Kellogg’s New Breakfast Special K Morning Shakes
One of my favorite things about living in London is the great aroma coming off of the Kellogg’s plant some days. Last week I was reminded of that as I left a building on Dundas Street and was overwhelmed by incredible sweet and slightly smoky aroma hanging in the air. It took me a few minutes to realize it was cereal. One of my favorite things about being a member of the Kellogger’s Network for bloggers is the fact that I get first crack at some of the great new products shortly after they are developed. Last week we found these, Special K Morning Shakes. There are four per package and they come in Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry flavors.
We tested the Strawberry flavor. It was tasty, smooth, light, and a nice addition to breakfast or lunch. The yummy Morning Shakes are made with skim milk and 190 calories per bottle. For me, as a meal replacement or with a tiny meal on the go that might be alright, but 190 calories every day in a bottle would otherwise be worrisome. Luckily, they aren’t intended to be consumed daily, just as a supplement on days when you are too busy to have a full meal. Special K helps support healthy weight loss with its lower fat products. The skim milk in Morning Shakes is lighter and makes it feel less filling and less dense as a shake also. I enjoyed that lighter feel to the beverage. It’s definitely not powdery, chalky or medicine-y.
Nutritional information notes that there are 10 grams of protein and each bottle is a source of 12 essential nutrients. Special K Morning Shakes are a good choice for meal replacement and easy to grab and go, carry with you and/or pop into a lunchbag or purse. I enjoy traditional Kellogg’s products, and have for most of my life, but I love the fact that they keep trying to build new lasting favorites for my entire family. That’s why I keep buying Kellogg’s brand.
I am a member of the Kellogger’s Network and as such receive free items for purposes of reviewing. My opinion is all my own.
The carbs are kind of high but as an occasional meal replacement for when I am driving from client to client the chocolate would be VERY welcome!!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell
That’s a good solution for me because I don’t really like breakfast, but I could drink something and still get some nutrition!
Grace Hodgin
I think this would be great for me on days I’m heading out the door too late and need to take my breakfast with me. Thanks for sharing and I’ll look for it.
This sounds great for on the go, and is much better than skipping breakfast. I do that a lot, unfortunately.
Cheap Is The *New* Classy
This would be great for on the go. Otherwise, I love Special K Red Berries cereal. Yum!
Just Married with Coupons
That must be so fun living near the plant where they make the products! I haven’t tried these out, they sound yummy! Thanks for sharing!
Amanda @ Survival Guide by The Working Mom
Those look yummy! Glad to hear they have a chocolate version, that would be my choice!! haha
Ronni Keller
I haven’t tried those yet. I think I’d take strawberry over chocolate!
Annie Brown
I have been able to find these any where near me yet… going to check no frills sometime this week.