Kid's packing list
active family travel,  family,  Travel

Kid’s Packing List Printable #travel

Kid's packing list
Kid’s packing list

Whether you’re packing for the beach, or a week away at camp, it helps if the kids pitch in. But if your kids are like mine at all, then they sometimes pack all the wrong things. Like seven books, no underwear and two blankets. Heck, who needs a bathing suit at the beach anyways? Or for that matter, shorts? Or pyjamas even? I typically do the double check before we get out the door, but there are always things that slip by. Like this particular family trip when someone packed something that got us the hairy eyeball at airport security. Lucky we didn’t get more than that I suppose.

Let’s face it when we travel as a family of four there is no earthly way that I will be doing everyone’s packing. They can do some of the work themselves if they want the big payoff of awesome family travel experience together.

Sometimes it helps to have some guidelines. This printable kid’s packing list will help. After all everyone has one of those stories, right? The kids did their own packing and they packed jeans for Grand Cayman kind of weather. Or they totally forgot their running shoes. Argh! Help them get organized with this list instead.

Are your kids doing camp this year?

Kid’s Packing List PS-1

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.