London Liberal West Battle #elxn41 #cdnpoli #momthevote
In a last pass through town Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff hit a key London riding Friday night trailing big name Liberals in his wake. Flanked by Glen Pearson, MP for London-North-Centre (my riding) and Ontario Liberal Health Minister MPP Deb Matthews (also my riding), Michael Ignatieff was there to throw his support behind London-West candidate Doug Ferguson in a key riding that could easily see a red victory on Monday night.
“Glen is getting lonely. He needs some support,” said Ignatieff.
NDP Peter Ferguson also running in that riding is much less well known than Doug. The riding of London-West was for 15 years held by Liberal Sue Barnes. That was before the Conservative Stephen Harper swept the 2008 election with a minority taking that riding Tory blue with Ed Holder as the elected MP. But this election has been nothing if not surprising. And with the NDP surging at last minute in the polls, up as high as 31 % in a Nanos poll Friday this last weekend is the final chance to rally the troops and change the minds of undecided voters.
This is, at the very least, a riding to watch. Irene Mathyssen’s riding of London-Fanshawe is a stronghold for the NDP and has been for several years now. She is well loved in her area of London and not likely to be unseated by Liberal Roger Caranci, who despite his 10 years service on London city council doesn’t really have that her personable approach to politics. And Glen Pearson, well he’s equally well loved by the entire city. His riding is not under any threat. Elgin-London-Middlesex could be anyone’s bet, really. Liberal Graham Warwick is experienced enough in rural affairs, but Conservative Joe Preston was quite well loved until recent job losses devastated the area. Now many out in the outlying areas of London are seeking payback and help. But London-West could actually be a key indicator of how Ontario will vote. If it stays Blue despite all of the no shows by Conservative Ed Holder and despite all of the recent job losses that have hit us hardest, well it could be a very strong indicator that Ontario won’t hold Harper accountable.
Don’t forget to vote Monday. Take your daughters and sons with you so they learn the importance of casting a ballot. #momthevote