active family travel,  Adoption and Family,  family,  parenting,  Travel

My Explorer – Kennedy Space Center #Travel #WordlessWednesday

My explorer

It was almost four years ago now when we travelled to Florida for my oldest daughter’s tenth birthday. We wanted, or needed, a vacation at end of the school year, which is always challenging when you have children with special needs. But this time we planned something different. Ten felt like a huge occasion and we wanted to celebrate it while inspiring our daughters to learn. So we took a full day and spent it exploring Kennedy Space Center. We dined with an astronaut and both of my kids were curious and peppered him with questions. It was one of the coolest things we have ever done as a family – lunch with an astronaut. Oh we did Disney too and that was amaze balls as always but this was out of this world.

Maybe I will share a post about that trip to Kennedy Space Center another time. It was epic and incredible and it happened right before the US shut down their program.

[tweetthis]Have you ever had lunch with an astronaut? #Travel[/tweetthis]

This is my Wordless Wednesday post and it’s supposed to be just a picture. So here is my picture of my girl exploring.

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.