Summer Sanity Savers: Simple Sewing Projects For Kids: Car Bags
My savvy friend got me thinking the other day about doing some more sewing projects with my kids. Sara is a heavy duty sewing expert. Well, in my opinion, she is. She sews a lot of cute clothing and makes quilts. My oldest daughter has been asking for months to get her hands on Grandma’s sewing machine, my new toy, and it seems this might be the right timing for her. So with that in mind, we hit Fabricland for a splurge and Youtube for a tutorial. And, over the next few months we will bring you a few of our ideas for Sewing With Kids, and even a few no sew tutorials. Now a huge shout out to http://www.craftygemini.com/ who helped us complete this simple drawstring bag. It seemed like a good place to start. My kids really enjoy anything I make for them on the sewing machine. And they love cooking as some of you know from my Cooking With Kids series. So what better way to get them involved than with me on line. What kinds of things do you like to sew with your kids? Or, are they sewing yet?
So, we are using Sara’s idea of car bags.