Super Simple Spontaneous Valentine’s Day Card Party
This year life is even busier than usual at Valentine’s Day. We have been scheduling a move for weeks now. We get the keys to our new house on Valentine’s day and we move the day after. That’s a big deal.
I was a bit worried our kids would miss Valentine’s Day entirely this year, so we have been working on planning things out. We don’t want to forget that kids are kids only briefly and time is precious. So last weekend we threw a spontaneous Valentine’s Day card party at our house.
First stop – a trip to the dollar store to buy a Valentine’s Day tablecloth and a cute heart-shaped platter. This time of year I love to stock up on those adorable heart plastic sandwich bags. We already had some of my daughter’s Valentine’s cards purchased, so we just set them out along with the Kindersurprise treats that we are sharing, because I am a Kindermom and because my daughter’s class deserves them.
Then we washed some of our red fruits that we had bought. A big bowl of strawberries and some raspberries are tasty treats. Then – the piece de resistance – the Zoku. My oldest daughter was given a Zoku at Christmas and we all love it. We’ve been experimenting madly with all sorts of delicious recipes for Zoku popsicles. But for this occasion we found some V8 V-Fusion Banana Strawberry juice – the perfect colour and used it to make some Valentine’s popsicles.
One of our favourites:
The Zoku is so kid friendly it’s not even funny. Stick the gadget itself in the freezer. Pull it out and fill with something that is not pop. Soda pop apparently won’t work. Wait 10 minutes and use Zoku device to with handle to remove the popsicles. Love this thing.
Then with our Zoku popsicles, our treats and food, we packed up the Kindersurprises in a Valentine’s plastic bag and included the Valentine inside as well.
We took a few moments to enjoy the Zoku creations and we finished a few more Valentine’s. This year we are ready. By the way Linked Moms are having a chat tonight about Valentine’s Day. Join in on twitter at 8 p.m. EST.