Making Family Memories Through Travel
“The days are long, but the years are short,” That quote by Gretchen Rubin haunts me as a parent. You have no idea how relevant that is until you become a parent and you are staring at a sick infant or a pile of laundry through zombie Mom eyes one moment, followed by the realization that your baby is now graduating from high school but a beat later. Time defies all logic when you are a parent. This is a little piece of why I travel with my family. Making family memories is something that’s especially important these days. I remember a time when I thought my kids would never…
How to Embrace Self Care Before Every Trip
Before every trip here I have a list of work obligations and personal details to get through. Not going to lie. Sometimes it gets hairy. One by one each task slowly gets ticked off my To Do List. Of course there’s packing and getting organized, but those are mostly routine jobs I can do quickly. I also have a specific self care routine that allows me to strive towards being in good health during the trip. That means paying attention to a few consistent things before every trip. Travel is truly an epic adventure always and it’s also hard work sometimes. Around here, in my world, travel can take the…
My 13 Favourite Things About Cruising #Travel
I am a cruising fangirl. I can’t get enough of cruising. We have only just recently, in the past 2 years, discovered cruising as a wonderful form of family travel. We returned late last year from our second ever family cruise which helped reaffirm for us that cruising works for our family. We love cruising for a host of reasons. Here are just a few reasons family cruising is one of my favourite forms of travel. There are so many great reasons to travel with your family and so many ways to make that happen. From resorts to deep travel, to vacation homes, lifestyle communities and even timeshare properties, there’s something out there…
What is a Timeshare? Mini-Series – Part 3 – The Best Properties #travel
What is a Timeshare – Where to Look for Properties In previous articles, I answered the question, “What is a timeshare” I’ve also covered the pros and cons of owning a timeshare. I have been interested in timeshare properties as travel options for busy families. This series has let me explore some of the research and details about timeshare travel options and investments. This is my final instalment of the series. Now that you know what a timeshare is and the pros and cons of owning one, let’s look at some of the best places to own a timeshare. Look for the Best Return on Investment As I mentioned in…
Five Alberta Attractions You Can’t Miss
There’s a lot to love about the province of Alberta. I have been a couple of times and would love to go back. If you’re headed to Alberta for any reason, try your best to take in some of the beauty and fun of these great Alberta attractions. 5 Alberta Attractions You Can’t Miss Alberta is a beautiful province, and from the natural beauty of its many national parks, to its ski hills and, to the fun and excitement of its cities, these Alberta attractions are must sees. Best Alberta Attractions Alberta is a province boasting both man made and natural beauty. It has several national parks as well as…