Vacuuming Stairs and Other Hard to Reach Places with Hoover Impulse
Vacuuming stairs is nothing if not a challenge. It’s the hardest spot in your home to vacuum. We have a couple of steep and lengthy staircases and they get a lot of traffic so they need a good cleaning at least weekly. It’s so hard to get stairs clean. Sure many vacuums have hose attachments, but they’re rarely long enough to get all the way up the stairs. Which means at some point, I often do my Amazing Stair Balance Act wherein I simultaneously hold the vacuum in place with my feet while using both hands to vacuum the stairs. Of course, all of this has to happen without me tumbling…
Five Indoor Chores Most Kids Can Do and a Reward Chart Printable
Indoor chores are simple for any age. If your children are old enough to stand at the sink then they are also old enough to learn to help. There are many small simple indoor chores even toddlers can help with daily. The trick is making any job fun and encouraging them along the way. We have a few rules at our house. One of them is that we all strive to be respectful. That is a work in progress some days, because my kids are now 11 and 13 and they often argue a lot. But even when they do that we are clear that when someone hurts another person’s feelings…
Five Jobs Kids Can Do When Your Family Is Moving
Kids can and should help when moving. After all they are part of the family and moving is a massive undertaking. So why not get them involved. We found several easy ways to get our kids involved and invested in the process of moving to our new house. It’s no big secret that our family is moving. I have been writing about the process for weeks and getting prepared to move for months now. Finally the countdown is on. On Valentine’s Day weekend our family will move out of our first home and into one that will give us a bit more space to grow. We are very excited…