Couples Resort – A Romantic Anniversary Retreat
Couples Resort is romantic getaway for any couple that needs to relax and reconnect, without the kids in tow. Last week Jim and I dropped our youngest daughter off at camp in Muskoka near Huntsville. I had heard of Couples Resort and we hadn’t yet had time to celebrate our 25th anniversary, so I planned to surprise my husband with two nights away. We headed up past Algonquin Park after dropping Ainsley at camp and Payton at her aunt’s house. The drive from Huntsville was about 90 minutes. I’ve never been through Algonquin Park and loved seeing the Moose Crossing and deer crossing signs. On the way back we popped…
How to Plan for an Early Retirement
Rather than waiting to turn 65 many people are planning for early retirement by making smart financial decisions early in life. The key to early retirement is knowing that you have enough money to live on, and set aside for emergencies once you retire. How to Plan for an Early Retirement Save, save, save! That might sound simple but it’s truly the first step. Not only do you need to save money, you need to make sure that your savings are in high interest accounts, or GICs, and RRSPs. Stashing cash in your mattress only gives you the money that you stash. But placing every extra penny into interest bearing…
Six Anniversary Trips that Totally Rock
Anniversary trips can be just the thing to ignite a renewed sense of romance in your marriage. They can also be an extension of the romance that never really went away. Whatever they are for you and your spouse, one thing is certain. Anniversary trips can and should be memorable experiences. Otherwise, you might as well just have a staycation with a bouquet of flowers. There are so many great ways to spend anniversaries really. If travel is involved I don’t think you can go wrong. 6 Anniversary Trips that are Totally Worth It The only trip you should take for your anniversary is one that is completely and totally…
Vow Renewal – A Few Memorable Destinations #travel
Vow renewal is a beautiful and romantic thing. It’s a way for couples to reaffirm their commitment to one another in a way that’s more than just the everyday “I love you” and the occasional flower bouquet. I’ve been thinking about this lately and contemplating whether this is something we should do for our 25th wedding anniversary. I like the idea of building a memorable romantic trip together as a couple. Renewing our vows could add a touch of magic to our marriage. It might remind us how we felt that day when we first slipped those rings on our fingers in front of friends and family so many years ago. Unforgettable…
Surviving Valentine’s Day: Pauline Parril’s Advice for Married Women
This is a sponsored guest post on the launch of The Perils of Pauline. Surviving Valentine’s Day: Pauline Parril’s Advice for Married Women by Pauline Daley-Parril Valentine’s Day hashtags are proliferating on Twitter. That means one thing: #valentinesdayiscoming. For single women, the 14th of February is tough enough when it’s #nodate and #aloneagain. But for married women, Valentine’s Day is a #minefield #forgetaboutit #norosesforyousister #fml. For women in general, Valentine’s Day is like trying on a new bikini: single girls hope to find something nice that handles the girls effectively but all too often end up with lingering regrets and maybe a yeast infection from the previous person who tried the…
26 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas
Are you stuck wondering what to do this Valentine’s Day? Here are some simple and fun ways to celebrate your relationship together this year. 26 Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day is getting closer and closer. If you are looking to shake up your Valentine’s Day date this year and stay away from the overcrowded restaurants, use this list to help you arrange a heartfelt date with the one you love. There is no perfect option that fits everyone when it comes to Valentine’s Day date ideas, but there are hundreds of tiny ways to say I love you that can be budget friendly too. Where to Start? Decide what…
Making the Time for Adults Only Travel
Weird but true. We travel a lot actually and did so before we had kids. But ever since having children we have not been able to find the time to just cut loose and go somewhere as adults. You know adults only travel. Well, maybe that’s not such a weird story after all. I am sure a few of you have a similar story. Finding child care is hard. In fact when special needs kids are involved it is actually almost impossible. But soon we will go away together just the two of us for a grownup trip. Reason number one – it is to celebrate a busy year…