10 Ways to Prevent Osteoporosis Now!
How to Prevent Osteoporosis post may contain affiliate links as a service to readers. According to the American Orthopaedic Association, more than 30 million Americans have a pronounced risk for developing osteoporosis, or low bone density. So, learning how to prevent osteoporosis should be top of mind for many people. Although women over the age of 65 are more likely to develop osteoporosis, this serious health problem affects men as well, and impacts nearly 10 million adults in the United States. In Canada, those statistics are also high. Two million Canadians are affected by osteoporosis. An estimated 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will suffer an osteoporotic…
Eat Healthier Using Natural Sugar Substitutes Now
Are you striving to eat healthier? Natural sugar substitutes could help you refine your diet. Healthy eating tips frequently suggest cutting back on processed and refined foods and reducing or eliminating sugar or sugar substitutes or artificial sweeteners from diets. No big news there. With so many foods showing high fructose corn syrup on the labels–even foods one might not expect to contain sugar or a substitute like canned tomatoes or green beans—North Americans are more accustomed to the taste of sweet than probably any other flavour. Sugar, in moderation, isn’t unhealthy for most people. The problem comes with the ‘in moderation’ part. If wanting to eat less sugar and…
Is A Plant-Based Diet Best for Your Heart Health?
Did you know approximately 75 million adults, or 1 in 3, have high blood pressure? Of those, about 7 out of 10 are taking at least one prescription medication to treat the condition? What if you could tackle heart health head on with diet? What would that diet look like? Dr. Stacy Mitchell Doyle is a Los Angeles-based physician, graduate of UCLA Medical School and the founder of FoodTherapyMD. This month, she is launching a consultation service called “Second Opinion.” The service is geared to help people develop a personalized, whole food plant based, prescription diet to combat chronic disorders like hypertension. Recently Dr. Stacy answered a few questions for…
Ketogenic Diet – What is It?
Ketogenic diet. Lately, I hear about this all the time, but what is it really? Some people say it’s amazing. Some people are skeptical. Others can’t live without pasta. But what is a ketogenic diet, really, and why is it so popular? Let’s take a look. I first heard about the ketogenic diet years ago when my older daughter was doing drama camp with a peer who had epilepsy. This particular child had daily seizures, if not more frequent. The young girl’s mom and I talked often about parenting kids with unique challenges. When she mentioned that her daughter was on the ketogenic diet I was interested due to my youngest daughter’s disability.…
GI Upset – Buscopan Calms Cramps #Giveaway ARV $170
GI upset is something I’ve had trouble with for almost as long as I can recall. Most of my readers know by now that I suffer from terrible stomach cramps if I’m not extra careful about what I eat. Although I’ve learned to live with it and I have a huge toolkit of strategies to help after 30 years, GI upset can still be a huge drain on energy and it can turn a good day upside down. While everyone else in the family can eat whatever they want, whenever they want, I have to worry about what goes into my tummy and the resulting GI upset it could cause. Buscopan…
Stop Dieting Backwards – Prepare Your Body and Brain for Weight Loss with #ThePrime #Giveaway
This is a sponsored conversation in partnership with Harmony Books. My opinion is all my own and it is truthful. What exactly is dieting backwards? This is a question I began asking myself as soon as this new book arrived here. These early days of 2016 I’ve been reading a lot of the content coming out of a huge consumer electronics show. Many posts are focused on uncovering the next big thing – while also reflecting on what has been the most disruptive technology of the past year, even the past decade. I like that phrase a lot actually ‘disruptive technology.’ It’s got me thinking about that phrase disruptive and the…
Boost Your Metabolism in 4 Easy Steps
Everyone wants to lose weight and feel healthier. There are many ways to do that, but all roads start with knowing how to boost your metabolism. It’s easier than you think. All you need to do is change a few things, and you’ll be able to boost your metabolism for better health and better weight. 4 Tips to Boost Your Metabolism The problem that a lot of us have with losing and maintaining our weight is a sluggish metabolism. Once I hit 40 my metabolism hit a wall. It’s even harder now to maintain and lose weight. Plus there’s all that other awesome stuff that appears when hit 40 (like…
Are Your Getting Enough Fruits and Veggies? Printable Fruit and Vegetable Journal
Healthy eating and healthy living is a constant goal here. We each exercise a lot and we are a very active family in my opinion. In fact my kids are involved in many sports and we try to balance that out by building in our own sports and fitness goals and activities too. One area where we all need help though is eating. We strive to include enough fruits and vegetables daily, but don’t always get there. Eating well can be challenging for any family. There is always room for improvement. I have a brutal sweet tooth that is hard to get a handle on. But this year so…
Eliminate Fast Food this Year #health
How To Eliminate Fast Food From Your Diet Many are bringing in the New Year with resolutions to eliminate fast food from their diets, and while it might seem hard, it’s definitely possible. With a few tips and a little bit of willpower, you can eliminate fast food and start the journey to a healthier life! Just follow these tips to help you eliminate fast food and you’ll find yourself having an easier time! Meal planning is key! In order to avoid the convenience of fast food and keep yourself from falling back on it, it’s important to meal plan. Planning your meals out takes the question out of what…
Food Makeover Free Printable
I am not a fan of the word diet. I rarely use it in the context that means weight loss and this post is not about that. This blog and this post is about considering what you need to be your healthiest version of you. Sometimes the New Year provides the perfect window to ask yourself what don’t I like about what I am doing right now? What do I need to change? Sometimes the answer is I need a better fitness routine and I need a diet makeover. This past year, in the month of September I added high blood pressure to my list of health concerns. I live…