How to Embrace Self Care Before Every Trip
Before every trip here I have a list of work obligations and personal details to get through. Not going to lie. Sometimes it gets hairy. One by one each task slowly gets ticked off my To Do List. Of course there’s packing and getting organized, but those are mostly routine jobs I can do quickly. I also have a specific self care routine that allows me to strive towards being in good health during the trip. That means paying attention to a few consistent things before every trip. Travel is truly an epic adventure always and it’s also hard work sometimes. Around here, in my world, travel can take the…
BLISSED OUT at Scandinave Spa Mont-Tremblant, Quebec
At the end of the day I linger longest. Last of our group, still indulging and squeezing every last drop of solitude and quiet and peace out of the Spa experience. Today, on our final morning in Tremblant, Quebec a group of travel influencers including myself, are happily visiting Scandinave Spa Mont-Tremblant before we leave for Gatineau area. The spa is a calming experience after canoeing, hiking, biking and zip lining for days. It is a welcome event for me. Long overdue. This week I celebrated my birthday zip lining down Mont-Tremblant and it was epic. The schedule for today was at first just exploring the spa and experiencing the baths…