Horse Life Cycle Learning Games Booklet
What do you know about the horse life cycle? What do your kids know about horses? This horse life cycle learning kit is four pages and it might help reinforce a love of literacy while nurturing compassion for living things in general. My daughter rides horses and she has a passion for them. She’s been riding at Sari Therapy Riding since she was about 5 or 6 and she’s 16 now. She looks forward to doing this weekly and knows a lot more about horses than I ever have in my entire life. She has done summer camps that involve horseback riding and therapeutic riding lessons as well as dressage. In the…
Bona’s Hawaii Sweepstakes and The Best Hardwood Floor Products #Giveaway: Several Ways to Win
One of my favourite features in our home is the hardwood flooring. I love hardwood. Let me rephrase that. I love hardwood flooring that is kept clean and shiny and is not completely scratched up by kids, or pets or wear and tear. So that’s the rub so to speak. Hardwood is only as good as the products you use to care for it, and the care you take with it. I confess that I see every little scratch in my hardwood and I obsess over that. Hardwood just looks better when it is well maintained. I am always on the lookout for the next best thing in my search…
Sari Therapy Riding #wordlesswednesday #ldnont
A girl and her horses. She loves them all and could not live without Sari therapy riding. In 2010, I went to a workshop in Alberta that stressed how mental health and disability, and brain injury such as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, was not currently done well through traditional therapy and cognitive behavioural approaches. I already intuitively new that but it was nice to have confirmation of it from the experts. I learned at that conference that many people were having success with animal assisted therapies and therapy riding too. So I started looking into it when I got back to my hometown. Out with the old if the old…