What’s My New Word of the Year?
Setting goals this year took a bit longer than usual. Admittedly it is now half way through January already, so I am late. But anyone who knows me personally knows time is something I strive to bend at will. LOL. Typically every year I do an exercise where I challenge myself to pick a word of the year or a phrase that guides my personal and business philosophy for the year ahead. This year, I honestly couldn’t think of one until about a week ago and then I was simply way too busy working on numerous jobs to actually write it down. Until now. Setting Goals For a few days I…
My Word of The Year Check in – March Progress
Time for my March Progress Word of the Year checkin. Every year I pick a word or phrase to help guide my personal goals. I find this activity helpful for my own health and wellness throughout the year. This year you might recall my word of the year is MOVE. I am working on monthly checkins here to keep myself accountable to all of you. It’s technically three months into the year. Quarter one is done. So how did March progress? Am I making my personal goals this year? Have my fitness goals evolved or changed or slipped by the wayside? What have the challenges been? Have I been sticking…
My Word of The Year Checkup – February
January was a hot mess. Actually maybe not even a HOT mess. Just a mess. But back at the start of January I wrote a post about my word of the year. My word this year is MOVE. So I thought it worthwhile to do a quick word of the year checkup to keep myself accountable to all of you. So here that is – my word of the year checkup. Month one. I am generally good about keeping personal goals. 2017 and mindfulness was the exception to that one. And if you know me at all then you know that I work out a lot and I am pretty…
What Next? My New Travel Goals #travel
It hit me on the flight back from Martin County, Florida this summer. As accomplished as I feel when I travel, and meet a new challenge and tick something off my list, I sometimes feel a bit directionless afterwards. Do you know the feeling I mean? Kayaking, paddle boarding, surfing, turtle nesting tours…On this one particular trip I did so many awesome activities that I had to stop and ask myself what next? What haven’t I done on a trip? Where haven’t I been? What are my new travel goals? Sitting there on the plane, exhausted from surfing lessons earlier that day, I quickly thought of zip lining. That’s the next thing,…