• four_hands_joined_black_history_month

    Black History Month Writing Prompts and a Few Resources

    February marks Black History Month. That’s why I am offering these Black History Writing Prompts and encouraging all of my readers, no matter their age, to adopt a growth mindset right now. Turning Intentions to Actions I don’t need to tell most of you why this year, Black History is not something that should be overlooked, disregarded or even marked only once a year. Every year, I have intentions of reading more diverse content creators and authors. This year, 2021, is the year I am turning intentions to actions, because it’s beyond time to recognize my role in history and our privilege as a family. This month, the accomplishments of…

  • parenting_resource

    80 Tools to Help You Succeed at the Hardest Job Ever

    Raising kids is awesome and being a parent is a gift. Children can make you laugh with their hilariousness. They can make you melt with their cuteness. They can inspire you with their kindness. But raising kids is also really REALLY hard. Haven’t you often wished you had a parenting bible or toolkit? I know you have all joked about wishing that kids came with a manual. Friends and parenting resources are VITAL. Between temper tantrums, the constant noise and mess, teaching them all the life skills they’ll need as adults, and continually wondering whether we’re screwing it all up… well, raising kids can actually be one of the hardest…