Get this Halloween Scavenger Hunt Now
It’s time for a Halloween Scavenger Hunt. This year, Halloween might be a lot different than usual. Who even knows at this point? Whatever happens, I’m committed to making the best of the season here as I’m sure you are too. Halloween brings out the child in everyone. Am I right? I love the chance to decorate on Halloween because it allows me the chance to be playful. My street often goes all in. I hope this year that people remember to make their homes fun too. Halloween goes by pretty fast, just like many other childhood stages and events, Halloween is a short term celebration that runs out when…
Happy Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt for Families
This season, I am hunting down easy activities that remind us to find gratitude and give thanks. This Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt is a fun way to find some gratitude and involve the entire family in the process. What are Your Thankful For? Finding Gratitude in the every day and celebrating that can be hard work. I have been working on this during the year and I can tell you some days I succeed and others not so much. This year has tested most of us, I think. Typically, I start my day with a gratitude exercise, but to be very honest that is sometimes forgotten when I am dragging myself…
Best Minecraft Scavenger Hunt for Kids
There’s no denying that Minecraft is still a massive runaway phenomenon. So, with that in mind I asked one of my helpers to build this Minecraft Scavenger Hunt for Kids so I could share it with readers here on Thrifty Mommas Tips. At first, I didn’t really get it. I mean it looks pretty simple. But my older daughter assures me that the popular video game has evolved dramatically ands this is why it is experiencing success again with tweens and teens everywhere. My two kids were into this hook line and sinker five years ago. Now, my younger girl is totally into Minecraft again. So, because I know she…