Everyday Adventures is Changing the Way I Think About Travel
This post contains affiliate links as a service to readers. If you make a purchase via one of the links within the post I receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Everyday Adventures is one of those books you come across that totally changes the way you look at something. I’ve always loved to travel. Getting out and exploring the world around me has been a passion of mine for life, and for as long as I can remember, I’ve chased the horizon. Recently, I realized there might be a different way to explore the world while I traveled and even while at home. This fun book Everyday Adventures…
Wings of Paradise: Family Travel and a Butterfly Rescuer
This summer you will want to check out this little gem near Cambridge. Wings of Paradise Butterfly Conservatory is a perfect day trip for kids who are school aged. First catch of the day. Payton lands one easily at Wings of Paradise near Cambridge. Ainsley waited and waited. At first the butterflies swirling around her head were really making her nervous. Then she started to get a bit more comfortable and, when her sister proudly landed one carefully on her finger, well, my competitive six-year-old was not be to outdone. Here little sister finally had her moment. The Blue Morpho butterfly – just like on Diego. This one is easier…