The Best London March Break Camps
Spring break is almost here. Some years it sneaks up on you, doesn’t it? Oh, I remember well the mad last minute panic to find something to occupy the kids when school was suddenly out for March break. But, you don’t need to panic. There are so many great children’s camps and programs that there’s always something to do. In London, there are several March break camps for kids that are extremely fun and creative. Many are also quite affordable. When my kids were small we tried most of these creative children’s programs and we’ve had experience with most of the ones below and can vouch for them as quality…
Find Your Strength at Pioneer Camp Ontario
Every January my youngest daughter begins the camp countdown to Pioneer Camp Ontario. That’s six or seven months of anticipation before the eventual August drop-off every summer. In many ways this camp is the gift that keeps giving all year long. Of course there’s the week at camp, or lately the two weeks there and the enjoyment, independence and creativity she gets every single year attending Pioneer Camp Ontario. But long after camp itself, every single year Ainsley comes home inspired, engaged, confident, calm and grounded. How Did We Discover Pioneer Camp Ontario? Just two summers ago my family was invited to a Bloggers’ Weekend Retreat at Pioneer Camp Ontario. We…
What to Pack for Summer Camp – Six Essentials Including Mabel’s Labels Special Camp Pack
This post contains affiliate links What to Pack for Summer Camp Is it time to talk about camp yet? Are we ready to discuss what to pack already? It must be camp time since several of the parent groups I belong to in real life have started talking about their schedules and their experiences with camp each year. Talk about WORD of Mom. I love that when you sit down with a group of Moms on a Tuesday night at a parent council meeting, or a parent support group you run, all roads lead to comparisons of camp locations and which camp worked brilliantly and was affordable for your son…