13 Easy and Fun Christmas Teacher Gifts
Every year I struggle with what to get for the kid’s teachers. Many years I have purchased something that benefits a charity. To me those gifts are impactful and meaningful. I know the kids are always proud to give them too. But this year I thought it would be worth taking a look at some popular, fun, and easy teacher gifts to give this holiday season. This past two years in a row my kids have had amazing teachers. Now I know it’s not necessary to buy every single year, but sometimes it is a nice thing to do. Do you give teacher gifts at Christmas? Here are 13 Easy…
Printable Fill In The Blank Teacher Notes for Back to School #BTS
It’s almost time for back to school, which also sadly means it will soon be time for school colds, and flu bugs and doctor’s appointments. This year, I’m prepared with these handy printable Fill in the Blank Teacher Notes and you can be too. These are ideal for those occasions when you have a sudden appointment in the middle of the school day. One of the first ever blogger conferences I attended featured a sponsor with the cutest pre-printed teacher notes. In fact, they were such a hit that I used them all year round. They simplified my job as a Mom. I attached a pre-printed note like these ones…
Social Media Issues – How Ontario Teachers Navigate the Waters
Social media issues can be challenging. It’s a field that is in a constant state of flux. Facebook changes its algorithm. Twitter offers a new feed. One network wanes while another jets off into the stratosphere. And just when you think you have it all figured out, suddenly your high schooler comes home talking about some new chat service that nobody over the age of 20 has EVER heard of before. Social media issues can be a real danger to both children and the teachers responsible for their education. Teachers are the people who spend 5 to 6 hours a day with your child. They need to know how to navigate the…
Ten Cutest Gifts for Dads and Grads #LoveHallmarkCA #giveaways
It’s June already and that means chaos. I’m not overstating that one little bit. If you are a parent then you know June is gorgeous and it heralds summer and Father’s Day and graduation. But June you saucy little month you…you also bring a million other things that toss life into complete disarray. You are my Love/Hate month. I know I’m not alone. June is madness. So here’s a little help. PREPARE NOW for the gifting season with these recommendations for Dad and Grad gifts. June is beautiful weather and winding down for summer at school. It is paying for and sometimes attending the field trips with kids despite an…
Teacher Appreciation Week Free Printables
Did you know that it is Teacher Appreciation Week coming up May 2 – 6? Teachers can and often do make a huge impact on a child’s life. A really dedicated and kind, caring professional can change the course of a child’s future. I believe in rewarding people and other classmates who help my children at school. So, for instance, with certain classmates of my daughter, I make sure to buy Christmas presents, or send an extra snack once in awhile so my daughter can share. When we were KinderCanada ambassadors a couple of years ago I would have her take 2 or 3 of the treats to school to…
5 Handmade Gift Ideas for the Preschool Teacher in Your Life
5 Handmade Gift Ideas for the Preschool Teacher in Your Life Preschool teachers do so much to help our children grow and learn. They are the educational force that helps prepare our kids for grade school, high school, and beyond. In the context of my younger daughter’s entire education so far, the preschool teachers might have had the greatest impact. My younger daughter, as some of you know, has some special needs. I talk about that here from time to time. When my daughter was very small she had a lot of trouble with socializing, so all of her helpers, the therapists and doctors and social workers too, stated clearly…
Microsoft Summit on 21st Century Learners – EVENT in Windsor, Ontario, April 11 Geared Towards Teachers
When I see educational opportunities like this Microsoft Summit on 21st Century Learners happening nearby in Windsor, Ontario I get excited, for several reasons. I am a parent of two children who are still in grade school. Digital kids. I arm both of my girls daily with technology at home and at school and I am abundantly aware of how they absorb media and how they learn. It’s radically different than how I learned 20 to 30 years ago. Only 20 to 30 years ago we trotted off to school with books and pencils and paper. Now kids carry tablets, iPhones, iPods and sometimes laptops too – technology that for…
Three Ways to Stay Connected with Your Child’s School – The Ontario College of Teachers
Shutterstock images This is a sponsored post. I have been compensated. My opinion is all my own. If you parent a child that is in school then you will be familiar with this timeless afterschool exchange. “How was school today?” “Fine.” “Anything exciting happen?” “No.” “What did you do today at school?” “Nothing.” It’s the communications challenge of parents everywhere. Sometimes staying in the loop regarding your child’s education seems like an insurmountable task. So what’s an educated, involved, parent to do? Luckily there are a lot of tools available to you these days with digital assets and email to help keep parents informed of teaching practices and changes. The…
Does Your Child’s Teacher Make the Grade?
I am the daughter of a teacher. My memories of marking papers and playing games at the back of my mother’s grade two classroom are strong. Many August days at end of the summer, I worked with my Mom, steadying the ladder as she lovingly decorated her classroom. Teaching is a calling I respect. A teacher’s job can be hard, rewarding and trying all at once. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock However, as the parent of two girls in the school system and I am very often frustrated with education. Funding decisions, allocation of resources, and even teachers in my kid’s lives sometimes don’t meet my expectations. Over the years I have had legitimate…