Teacher Appreciation Week Free Printables
Did you know that it is Teacher Appreciation Week coming up May 2 – 6? Teachers can and often do make a huge impact on a child’s life. A really dedicated and kind, caring professional can change the course of a child’s future. I believe in rewarding people and other classmates who help my children at school. So, for instance, with certain classmates of my daughter, I make sure to buy Christmas presents, or send an extra snack once in awhile so my daughter can share. When we were KinderCanada ambassadors a couple of years ago I would have her take 2 or 3 of the treats to school to share the love. These small things go a long way.
Small things can make a dramatic impact. A little handwritten note or an email can make someone’s day. So with that in mind I thought that today I would share these printable teacher notes for you and your child to give to someone that makes an impact at school.
[tweetthis]Use these Free Printable Teacher Notes for Teacher Appreciation Week. [/tweetthis]
Last year I wrote about World Vision Canada’s Teacher Appreciation Gifts. These are still an amazing way to honour a teacher in your child’s life. We support World Vision Canada all year long. These free printable teacher notes are not meant to replace any charitable giving that you might have in mind, but if this year you want a small token that is not going to cost you anything, then these teacher notes are the ticket.
One year I posted about some preschool teacher gifts here too. If you have a preschooler you can engage your child in making a special craft just for the teacher.
Have a great week! What kinds of things have you given to your child’s teacher in the past? Have you written teacher notes? Have you given a gift?

I guess its getting to that time of year! Some years, I have so many ideas for teachers gifts and other years I’m at a complete loss! This year is one of those complete loss, so I really appreciate the post. I think a package of beautiful flower seeds and the quote above! Thanks!
Kristy @ Mommy Hates Cooking
Teachers often go unappreciated, which is so disheartening considering the weight and responsibility they carry of educating our kids. I love that there is an entire week (though it should be more) set aside to show our appreciation. I know a few teachers who will love your free printables!
I love these ideas for teacher appreciation gifts. When my boys attended a school, I often struggled with what the teachers would want and would end up asking in advance. Now that they are all homeschooled, I guess I can buy myself a teacher appreciation gift!
I’ll be honest and say that I always fail at teacher appreciation week. I do however try to make sure our teachers don’t go unrecognized through out the year and try to do what I can to help them, communicate with them, and make sure they know how appreciative we are of everything they do for our kids. I know they often feel forgotten about, at least many of my teacher friends do, so I always try to make sure it’s an “all the time” thing for us, rather than a once a year thing.
Gwendolyn Mulholland
Those are super cute free printables for teacher appreciation gifts. Teachers do so much and the pay they receive is very little. It is always important to show our teachers that we appreciate them for all that they do. We need to make sure they know this every day of the year not just during teacher appreciation week.
What a great idea! I have no idea if there’s a teacher appreciation week in Denmark, but there should be! My stepson is in private school, so standards are high, but I’m still impressed by haw far above and beyond some of his teachers will go to help him and his classmates succeed. We are so fortunate to have him in such a great school.
I could easily use these to celebrate a teacher at our church. They don’t get enough recognition for their hard work. Don’t forget they do it for free.
Theresa Sutton
These are great! I’ve always felt like teachers are so under-appreciated. I’m looking forward to showering my daughter’s teacher with these cute ideas once she starts school. Thanks for sharing!
Teachers sure don’t get enough recognition! These are great and I’m definitely pinning them for next year (or any time I think one of my kids teachers may need a little something to brighten their day!)