Free Summer Fun Word Search Printable
It’s summer and I am pretty stoked about that. Not going to lie. My one daughter will be working most of the summer as a camp counsellor. So that’s new. She will be very busy. My younger daughter has a couple of camps she is doing so she’s also pretty busy, but still she needs extra things to do when the schedule becomes a little less structured. That’s where this summer word search and books come in handy. If your kids are like mine at all, they need a high level of activity. Mine are not the languish in the room and read all summer sort of kids. Believe me…
Video Game Themed Word Search for Kids
Are your kids total video game junkies like mine? Do they love to spend an afternoon playing Minecraft or Mario Bros, or even Undertale? Mine have moved on from the Five Nights at Freddie’s phenomenon to Minecraft and Undertale. They also like video game toys and merchandise too so I figured this free Video Games Word Search would be perfect for them. I mean what could be better than a video game at this age? Not much I think. They eat, sleep, and breathe games and gaming. But, maybe you stand a chance at getting them to do something a bit more traditional if you print out this video games word…
Fun Spring Word Search for Kids
I’ve got a Spring word search for kids on my mind today. If you know me at all, then you know that my entire family loves printable fun word searches and crosswords. Last night I supervised my daughter doing a cute crossword for grade nine English class. It was all about literary terms like – fill in the word – a comparison using like is called a: SIMILE. And a comparison that doesn’t use like is a: Metaphor. Anyways that was fun homework. I can totally get behind that kind of homework. This Free Spring Word Search for kids is not as hard as that crossword was, so don’t worry, the…
Canada Day Word Search
It’s almost Canada Day again my friends! Which means it’s time for a Canada Day word search and maybe a few other Canada Day word puzzles and games here. Canada Day makes me happy because it is close to my daughter’s birthday and also it’s clear summer is in full swing by July 1st. If it’s not ski season then bring on the summer days and pool parties. Summer in Canada is short so seize the moment. This summer I know you will need some easy and fun activities to keep the kids occupied. I have a huge list of free printables and colouring pages on my Pinterest free printables…
Mother’s Day Word Search Printable
It’s almost Mother’s Day – which means it’s time for my Mother’s Day Word Search Printable. May is a great month, isn’t it? The first real long weekend of the summer launches an amazing season. And right before that there’s Mother’s Day. If your Mom loves word searches then this is the one for her. If kids need something to do to keep them busy on Mother’s Day so mom gets a break then again, print out my Mother’s Day word search. Mother’s Day Word Search You know that I love a good word search. I think some of you do as well, so I have been sharing several…
Happy Valentine’s Day Word Search Printable
This is my first ever word search hosted on thrifty momma’s tips. If you folks like it then I will decide if I should run more or not. In the mean time here is a quick freebie to keep the kids busy for Valentine’s Day. Happy searching! Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and we love word searches so I thought I would put together a speedy Valentines Day Word Search for readers to enjoy. I have been a fan of word searches ever since I was a kid. I used to take them to doctor’s appointments and I always had one on hand every time I had to go into the…