Tria Beauty Series – Post 6 – At Home Hair Removal
For several months now I have been posting about my Tria At Home Hair Removal Laser 4 X. Last week I finished the extended period of testing. I have to say I loved this product and will continue using it at home. It’s simple, effective and affordable (if you consider that a trip to the dermatologist’s office for laser hair removal will run hundreds). It is also safe. In fact I wrote a whole entire post about the Tria At Home Hair Removal safety features here. So this is my last post before I offer you the giveaway.
My daughter has seen me using it a lot and thinks it’s pretty cool, so she asked me the other day, does it hurt? That, I thought, was a valid question and I can honestly 100 % answer no, it doesn’t hurt. The machine sends a tiny laser pulse to the hair follicle. On my legs I feel nothing at all. Nothing. Maybe the skin on my legs is not sensitive at all.
When I use the Tria closer to my arm pits or groin area (be advised you are not to use the Tria directly on the groin area.) a bit closer to the bikini area then I feel the tiniest little zap, not even anything as harsh as when a hair is plucked or tweezed, just a tiny noticeable zap. It’s hardly worth mentioning, but there is a difference depending on the body part you are targeting.
My second post was here about building Tria Hair Removal into your routine.
My third post is here https://www.thriftymommastips.com/?p=599
By Post 4 I saw some results already and by post number 5, I saw significant change in the unwanted hair around my jaw line and on my legs.
This final review and progress report post is simply to tell you that yes, indeed it works. I still shave my legs on occasion, but rarely. The hair growth on my legs has slowed and it is easily managed. I like the Tria itself. It’s light and easy to use. So what more is there to tell? Go get one, or win one on the next and final Tria post. Good Luck! This is an epic giveaway worth over $400. Stay tuned for that coming up this week.
I received product in exchange for a series of posts. My opinion is all my own.

Woman Tribune
It is so great to hear that the Tria hair removal system actually does work. I just started using another brand of light therapy hair removal and really hope I see a significant change in the amount of unwanted hair I see.
Aeryn Lynne
Oooh, so jealous! I’ve been eyeing up one of these Tria machines for ages! Am so glad its working out for you! 😀 Looking forward to your giveaway post, I’ll be all over it, LOL!