beauty products,  Giveaways

Tria Beauty Series – Post 7 – #Giveaway

Well, my lovelies for the past several months I have been teasing you with the promise of a grand giveaway. First I tested this Tria At Home Hair Removal Laser device out. I put it through the paces and tested the safety features. I took you through all the features. I also noted clearly that it does not hurt. It is effective, efficient and inexpensive. What’s that? You don’t believe me? Well, think it through. How much does it cost to go to the dermatologist’s office to get that hair removed? How much does electrolysis cost? Yes, that’s right, this gadget is cute, functional, safe and it saves you money. So good luck my friends. This giveaway is my biggest yet. I will verfiy entries and it is running for quite a long time here. So good luck! Here’s hoping you win this great little Tria to help your summer hair removal process go swimmingly. 

If you want to read all about the posts I published here prior to the giveaway, here they are:
Post 6 was the last one this past week. Does Tria work?
Now follow all the rules and let’s give one of these away – open to Canada and the US!

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.