30 + Christmas Gifts for Tweens
Ah Tweens. That comical challenging stage between childhood and the teen years. When you can almost see what’s about to come, but still there are many days when they happily slip back into their childish pursuits. One moment moody teenager wannabe and the next minute playing with Barbies again.
Kids are comical. But they are often easy to please when it comes to Christmas presents. So, this year as part of my Christmas holidays content I wanted to share all sorts of gift ideas.
Table of Contents
30 + Christmas Gifts for Tweens
Under $5 Gifts for Tweens
Eos Lip Balm
Holographic Nail Polish
Poop Emoji Keychain
Under $10
Spoons Game
Birthday Cake Bath Bombs
Glitter Tattoo Kit
Nail Pen Kit
Paint Your Own Bag Kit
Elmers Slime Kit
Under $15
Engraved Inspirational Bracelet
Bath Bomb Kit
Bicycle Wheel Light
Echo Dot Buttons
Jewelry Making Kit
Bring Out the Tween or Teen in Anyone
I am stoked about a few of these gifts actually. If I were a kid I’d love this strong art kit again. Remember when that was all the rage the first time around? Love craft kits and artistic creative gifts. My girls do too. We have seen these onesies at the mall too just in case you are interested in shopping in person. This year I will be getting a couple of these.
This bean bag chair for storage too is exceptionally awesome. In fact, I might get one for one of the kids even though they are teenagers. I feel like this gift is timeless plus it encourages clean up. Who needs that more that teens or tweens?
Under $25
String Art Kit
Ocean Waves Light Projector
Mermaid Tail Blanket
Tropical Terrarium
Bean Bag Toy Storage Chair
Cupcake Pillow
Unicorn Onesie
Under $50 Gifts
Indoor Snowballs
Plasma Ball
Echo Dot
Hooded Unicorn Blanket Kit
3D Drawing Pen
Kindle Fire
The Nightmare Before Christmas Edition: Monopoly
Under $100 Splurge Christmas Gifts for Tweens
LOL Surprise Bigger Surprise
Fuji Instax Mini Camera
We have a Fuji Instax Mini Camera and love ours. My daughter got one for Christmas one year about 5 years ago as a tween and she’s been using it ever since. They are fun, travel well, and are really great Christmas gifts for tweens. Plus occasionally they can take them on RV trips and to camp.
Hatchimals Surprise Twins
Canopy for a Bed
Do you parent tweens? I know it seems like nobody has it as bad as you do when the tweens start with that moodiness and hormonal behaviour. Trust me, they are still super impressionable and they mostly like having you around. A lot of tweens are just growing and testing their independence in baby steps. Give them supervision and love and build in ways to help them find their way. They will need all your love and support when they get to the next stage.
What’s on Your Tween’s Gift List?
Tweens are actually pretty easy to please. Technology, clothing, gift cards and fun cameras are all hits with this group.
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