5 Drought Resistant Plants
I love gardening. It’s an enjoyable way to watch plants grow and know that I helped them do it. However, my green thumb can be a touch brown. And my soil here is oddly dry, almost clay like. My plants never seem to have enough water. That’s why I’ve put together a list of 5 drought resistant plants that can stand up to dry weather and a less than green thumb. These drought resistant plants are able to survive the lack of watering that a hectic life can almost certainly mean for them.
Drought Resistant Plants to Survive Hectic Lives
My life is all go all the time, so I need plants that can stand up to my frequent travelling, chronic activity and massive number of extracurriculars the kids have. Let’s face it, self employment means a busy lifestyle and there are also many days when I don’t really even remember to schedule in the fact that I should probably water all the things that are green. These 5 drought resistant plants can help!
Although this is a group of plants, I’ve up them all here under one heading. Cacti are great for an on the go person or a frequent traveler. They need next to no water, and they enjoy good drainage. They’re basically indestructible, and that’s important when you have 5 million things going through your head on a daily basis. These are great for indoor gardens or outdoor gardens in arid areas.
[tweetthis]Consider these plants if you live in an area with limited rain fall. [/tweetthis]
It smells wonderful, and it needs next to no care. That’s a winner for me. This plant blooms from spring to fall, requires very little water, and smells like a dream. You can also harvest the leaves for use in home made teas and various beauty scrubs. Winner, winner, lavender dinner!
Sedum rupestre, commonly known as Agelena, is a European succulent that grows about six inches tall and spreads. Its soft look and beautiful color make it an excellent ground cover, and because it’s a succulent, it needs very little water.
[tweetthis]This plant is one of my favourite drought resistant plants for the garden. [/tweetthis]
This European plant features lovely gray-green, pink-tipped rosettes that range in size from 2 to 5 inches wide. This clumping plant grows to about 2 feet tall 2 feet across or more. Because it’s native to Europe, it can stand up to cooler climates, as well.
Lewisia Cotyledon
One of the prettier drought resistant plants, the Sunset Strain of Lewisia can stand up to very little watering. In fact, it makes a wonderful addition to a rock garden, because it doesn’t like to have wet roots. It’s an excellent choice for a green house or an exterior plant in hot, arid regions.
[tweetthis]This plant is excellent for a rock garden. [/tweetthis]
Drought Resistant Plants – Brown Thumbers Rejoice
With these 5 drought resistant plants, even someone with a brown thumb can grow something green. These plants are tough, and they can stand up to a severe lack of water. In fact, many of them thrive on it. So if your green thumb tends to be a little brown, your lifestyle a little too busy, or your memory just not so conducive to watering plants, try out one of these 5 drought resistant plants. You might have a little more green than you think!
Robin (Masshole Mommy)
We don’t have many droughts here in Boston, but I know there are parts of the us that have them often. This is super helpful.
Sarah Bailey
I have to admit I love lavender – sadly I’m not sure if one of my plants survived the winter 🙁
Catherine S
These sound like great plants. They would be water logged with all this rain we have had this summer.
This is some great information for those trying to maintain their gardens during a drought. It’s nice that some plants can survive these conditions.
aimee fauci
I LOVE Lavender! We have a lavender festival in a nearby town and I sit here and wonder if I plant Lavender if the deer would leave it alone.
Lois Alter Mark
Living in Southern California, this is very timely. Passing it on to my husband, who’s the gardener in our family!
Its good to know about these plants. Everyone should be conserving water!
Liz Mays
It woudl be great to try growing some of these. I haven’t really done any major gardening since I moved here.
Mama to 5 BLessings
That is a great list, cacti are so durable! Aloe plants hold up nicely in droughts too.
Lavender always does well in my garden. Wit the hot summers we have, this list is handy
Ann Bacciaglia
Lavender is one of my favorite plants to have in the garden. I did not know they were good in droughts.
Annie M
Cacti was an obvious plant. I didn’t think lavender was drought tolerant though!
Annemarie LeBlanc
I love lavender! It not only makes my surroundings smell so pleasant, but, yes, it is not a “needy” plant. They can do well in the long hot summers. Thanks for sharing this post.
This is fabulous to know! Although there hasn’t ever been a drought near me I won’t lie, I tend to forget to water my plants so one of these may be my best bet!
This is good to know. I wish I had a space for a garden. Lavender is one of my favorite blooms.
Great to know. We are not in a drought here in the Northeast. Just had a thirty minute downpour yesterday.
Lady Lilith
Neat. This is nice to know. I remember one summer when we had a pretty bad drought. So far this summer is great but we have had very scary times in the past.
Jennifer Williams
Love this list, we will have to plant a few of these. I get so tired of seeing brown – we have 10 acres so we can not water all of it. Green around the house would be nice though – we already have Lavender and love it.
We had cacti that I loved in our backyard years ago. We don’t have any now but I’m not adverse to getting them.