Health,  parenting

Carefree Pantyliner Hacks: Reader’s Ideas and a Contest Part 2

woman with pain in her stomach.

Once in awhile I write a post and the feedback I get is so clever that I learn something brand new. That’s a great side effect of blogging and having some super creative readers. This is one of those occasions. I wrote a post a few weeks ago about Carefree pantyliners and I asked you for your life hacks in general and also your pantyliner life hacks, or alternative uses for pads and liners. A couple of savvy people I know in real life (yeah I have real life friends I have met too actually.) have been using liners and pads for after surgery. Now, as someone who has had their share of health challenges I think that’s pretty smart. When the hospital doesn’t give you enough bandages and they send you home lickety split after surgery and you still need something to buffer an incision from rubbing against your clothing, well some of my friends have said pantyliners and pads work perfectly for that.

period hack chat

What else did readers say?

Five Pantyliner life hacks from You Folks, My Readers. 

1. Cosmetic uses:

Erica says – “Panty liners make the best finger nail polish removers…works like a charm.”

2. Spills:

Amy says – they are simply great for cleaning up spills.

3. Cleaning Windows:

Bo says – My best hack is to use for spills, they absorb a lot of liquids, and I also use them with water and vinegar on a pad, to clean windows and mirrors without streaks!!

[tweetthis]My best pantyliner hack is to use them to absorb spills. – a reader[/tweetthis]

4. In your shoes?

J says – My best hack is to line your shoes with them while working out so the excess foot sweat is absorbed by the liner and not by your shoe.  (That’s one I never would have thought of – love that idea.)

5. Dirt – to clean up dirt in a pinch in the bathroom. Why not?

So apparently the absorbency of a pantyliner or pad can make it more versatile in your home and life than you ever might have imagined. Thanks for all of your comments and the winners of my purse packs have been notified. Don’t forget to enter my other contests and by the way don’t forget that pantyliners and pads are crucial back to school supplies. I am a parent of girls, so I stock all the bathrooms with some pads and liners. I also keep several small discreet purse packs for camp, for school, for the locker and the backpack. I believe in being prepared and my kids are at least prepared that way always.

[tweetthis]My readers are extremely clever. Check out their life hacks here. [/tweetthis]

For more ideas check out Mara’s pantyliner hacks post and all her reader ideas here too. This was my original life hacks post at start of the series.

Don’t forget there’s still time to enter this contest!! ending  –August 21st 

Follow  @Carefree_CA on Twitter and enter to win one of several prizes that they are giving away all month long.

I am working with Carefree and as such I have been compensated. My opinion is my own and it is truthful. 

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.