Back to School Matching Printables #BTS
It’s August, which means some of you will have kids going back to school soon. Where did the summer go? Are your little people excited about going back soon, or do they want more summer? Have you started your back to school shopping or preparation? I have to admit I like the routine returning to some semblance of normal. BUT I like the summer even more. Now if only summer was less expensive. I am tapped out of money from all the summer camps. I really noticed the cost this year.
In the spirit of back to school and saving money, I have numerous back to school printables to share with you this month. Enjoy this free back to school matching printable. And don’t forget to check out my Free Printables Pinterest board for more free resources.
[tweetthis]Back to school matching game printable for free to share via @inkscrblr[/tweetthis]
Now if you are new here you might not know how to download this and print it out. So here are the details: You can do this one of two different ways. You can right click and save the JPEG picture above then simply print it out or you can click on the PDF link here (which is often more clear and then print the back to school matching printable out from there.)
back to school matching printable.