
cameras and cottages

Just back from a week at the cottage up north on Lake Huron. Not a bad trip with the kids and Mommy survives yet another road trip. But sadly my Sanyo camera did not. Half way through our week at the beach shooting pictures of my gals frolicking in the waves my one-year-old pink purse-sized Sanyo digital camera died. The lens stopped closing and opening and the message Lens error began appearing. So what’s a good Mommy to do and how did I get this picture, you ask? Well, Fisher Price to the rescue. Over the remainder of my week at the beach I borrowed my five-year-old’s cute as a button Fisher Price KidTough camera (also pink) and documented the rest of our time on kidcamera. Now I know the resolution isn’t great, but I love this camera anyways and frankly it saved the day. Fisher Price has followed us on field trips and road trips, flights to Jamaica and trips to the backyard. It’s simple to use and see right: takes a semi-decent picture. So thumbs up Fisher Price Ainsley-cam. Thumbs down Sanyo. The FP camera retails around $80, slightly less if on sale. The hardware is easy to use and the software with it simple to install. Top it up with a memory card and it holds an impressive number of pictures. My daughter’s usually has over 100 shots of her making goofy eyes and air quotes. It cannot be destroyed and certainly keeps children busy on the road. This purchase is worth the money for thriftymommas everywhere.
Rating: $$$$ out of 5

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.

One Comment

  • Skees

    Sounds like you had a good week. R’s really interested in the camera, even saying cheese when I get it out – can she use one of the FP cameras? BTW everytime I open your blog she tells me which pictures P’s in.