Turn Waiting for Infertility Treatment Into Action: One Couple’s Story #infertility #abhc4ivf #abpoli
When you are struggling with infertility sometimes it seems like you have nothing to do but wait. It’s pretty easy to begin to feel powerless inside the emotional roller coaster of the infertility health care journey. First, you realize you have no real control over your body when it won’t do what you want it to. You may feel like you have no control over doctors, nurses, or test results. Even your life plan is turned on its head when your body won’t conceive. You hoped to have a child by 30. You hoped then for 32, then 34, 35, by 40? You dare to hope it will happen at all.…
My Blissdom Conference Experience – Why Blissdom Makes Me a Better Person #BlissdomCa
This post about my latest Blossom Conference experience has taken me forever to wrangle. It’s been hiding in some nook or cranny of my brain and just sort of waiting for me to get it straight. I thought about leaving it there. But my brain gets full and every now and then it needs a purge. So this is my Blissdom Conference experience purge. Wait, that just sounded wrong. I am a Blissdom Conference veteran. ( Because I am old and I have been writing for a million years. LOL) Two weeks ago I took part in my third Blissdom conference. Blissdom Conference Canada is one of the only Canadian…
Raise Your Voice IVF Funding Alberta Twitter Chat #abhc4ivf #abpoli
It’s time, Alberta. Wednesday night at 8 p.m. EST. It’s time to raise your voice and make some noise on twitter. It’s time to challenge our notion of a health care system that is accessible to all. It’s time to tweet and talk and write and visit and share this message with the politicians in your area – the MLAs you vote into office. It’s time to tell them healthy families matter to everyone in Alberta and IVF funding matters to Alberta. By now you have to know the facts. I talk about them often enough here in this space. Infertility impacts one in six. Infertility is a complex health…
Three Things You Can Do to Help Advocate for Public Funding for IVF in Alberta #abhc4ivf #abpoli
1 in 6 people struggle with infertility. I talk about that often here in this space. Why? Because I believe in a Canadian health care system that is accessible and great. And because infertility is a hard emotional and financial journey. It is devastating to far too many. That’s part of the reason why I help advocate for public funding for IVF. Couples, and singles, who are diagnosed with infertility, are sometimes prescribed In vitro fertilization as the best course of action. In Vitro Fertilization is a process by which sperm and egg are introduced in a lab and left to do their magic. The resulting embryo is then placed…
Generations of Hope Free Family Fun Day in Calgary #abhc4ivf #abpoli
A free Family Fun Day carnival celebrating healthy families formed after infertility takes place September 21 in Calgary. Generations of Hope, an infertility advocacy and awareness group, hosts this amazing event each year. This year Family Fun Day will take place in Calgary on September 21st from 11 to 3 p.m. Rain or Shine at Olympic Park. Infertility patient support and advocacy group in Alberta: Infertility impacts 1 in 6 people in Canada. Infertility is a complex health issue as recognized by the World Health Organization. Infertility patients all can benefit from finding a support group and connecting with them early in their journey. Studies have recognized this is one proven…
Five Questions And Answers About Ontario’s IVF Public Funding Commitment #Ohip4ivf #onpoli
Some of the members of Conceivable Dreams Infertility patients in Ontario have come so far in two years. Two years ago most infertile people in Ontario struggled, took out second mortgages and sometimes worked three jobs to pay for the in vitro fertilization. In vitro fertilization was only covered by the Ontario health care system for one condition – bilateral tubal obstruction. That condition impacts only a very small percentage of females diagnosed with infertility. Now Ontario infertility patients have a commitment of public funding for one round of IVF. That’s a huge deal for all Ontario infertility patients wondering how to pay for in vitro fertilization. But Ontario’s IVF…
Did you know? Five Canadian Facts about Infertility #abhc4ivf #abpoli
Shutterstock ImagesThis Canada Day infertility patients have a lot to celebrate in Ontario, and in Quebec, and in parts of Nova Scotia and Manitoba too. But what of the rest of the provinces? What about Alberta? Patients struggling with infertility in the province of Alberta and British Columbia are still advocating and waiting for public funding for in vitro fertilization. Public funding for IVF is now in the works in Ontario. It will soon be a reality, anticipated for 2015. The Ontario Liberal government will fund one round of IVF with single embryo transfer.That’s big news. [tweetthis]Public funding for IVF is now in the works in Ontario. It will soon…
Fertamax All Natural Fertility Health Supplement for Men and Women #Giveaways
I feature a lot of health topics here, and issues and items that make life easier, I hope, for some people struggling with various issues and diseases. Fertamax Fertility Health Supplement is a product that will appeal to my health conscious audience. Fertamax is all natural and an over the counter Fertility Health Supplement intended to support reproductive health, whether you are trying to conceive now, or just interested in maintaining a healthy body for future fertility. There are several different variations and packages, including a For Women only version, a for Men only version and a Reach Your Peak Fertility Package that lasts several months. All of the…
Male Infertility Infographic #abhc4ivf #abpoli
One in six couples of reproductive age will experience infertility. Infertility can be a devastating diagnosis, financially, emotionally and physically. Male infertility makes up about 40 % of all infertility cases. But somehow male infertility seems to have less awareness than female infertility. In fact the split between the genders and infertility rates is close to equal at 40 % each. There are many causes of infertility from cancer to Crohn’s Disease. A prior sexually transmitted disease can mean you might be at high risk for infertility. There are a few myths and facts here I wanted to share about male factor infertility. Whether infertility is caused by male or…
Fertility Facts – Canadian Infertility Awareness Week
It’s almost time for Canadian Infertility Awareness Week. Why does that matter? Well, in Canada 1 in 6 people of reproductive age struggles with infertility. In the US the figure is 1 in 8. Canadian Infertility Awareness Week is a chance to remind people again why we advocate. It’s a chance to tell your stories too. The World Health Organization (WHO) calls infertility a public health crisis and it’s time to recognize that we need awareness and advocacy to help address this issue. All about Canadian Infertility Awareness Week This coming week May 24 to 31st is 2014 Canadian Infertility Awareness Week. As you know, I often write about adoption and…