Nine More Things We Want You To Know About Infertility. All The Feelings Are Real #ohip4ivf #onpoli
There are babies everywhere right now. Facebook is a constant eruption of sonogram pictures and people are forever happily announcing the birth of their babies. It’s a super challenging time of year for so many reasons. Spring and summer forces everyone outdoors and strollers are plentiful, which is wonderful for so many reasons AND it’s also painful for those still trying to conceive. It can be even more devastating for those who have recently miscarried. [tweetthis]1 in 6 struggle 2 conceive. Many r infertile as a result of other health issues #ohip4ivf #onpoli[/tweetthis] 1 in 6 struggle to conceive. Many are infertile as a result of other health conditions. Cancer,…
Introducing My New Contributor – Baby Product Vlogger Christina
I am super excited to share this news with you. As some readers know my girls are in the double digits now. One is a tween and one is a teenager and they keep me every bit as busy as they did when they were small. It’s just a different kind of busy. For a time I had a baby blogger here, but even her babies have grown up a lot. I know this audience still wants to read about baby news and baby products too. I can tell that when I run analytics here sometimes. So how does that work? I can’t authentically write or review baby products when…
What’s Next for Infertility Patients in Ontario? #ohip4ivf #onpoli Twitter Chat Live June 10 at 8 p.m. EST
How does a patient group like Conceivable Dreams evolve once they’ve met one of their biggest advocacy goals? This is the topic we’ll talk about on Wednesday night at a special Linked Moms twitter chat at 8 p.m. EST. Infertility patients in Ontario are invited to brainstorm what shape their advocacy should take next. In fact, this is an important topic for any advocacy group, charity or non profit. It’s not uncommon for a group to come together with one goal as a mission. But a successful group needs to consider the future too. Succession planning and remaining focused are crucial to long-term success. Right now infertility patients everywhere are…
Nine Things We Want You To Know About Infertility – #IVF4ON #ONPOLI
It must be spring because everyone is suddenly pregnant, or posting a photo of their new arrival on Facebook. At this time of year with Spring, plus Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Infertility Awareness Month all wrapped up in one big bundle, family is everywhere. The triggers for infertility patients are seemingly endless. Even I am feeling it this year and we adopted our children 13 years ago. I guess that’s proof the emotions of infertility never go away. With spring comes the constant reminders of people who have suddenly succeeded at getting pregnant. That’s hard for so very many people waiting, or in the process of undergoing treatment for infertility.…
MLA Rick Fraser on the Calgary Marathon and Why Infertility Patients and IVF Funding Alberta Captured His Heart #abhc4ivf #abpoli
Generations of Hope is a group of amazing, passionate, volunteers and infertility patients who are driven and talented and inspiring. They believe an accessible health care system also includes infertility treatment and funding for in vitro fertilization. They are smart and motivated and they work hard to help people understand why infertility patients and IVF funding Alberta matters. Together they champion better lives for infertility patients, and they envision a better future for their province. This weekend members will be running in the Calgary Marathon to raise funds and awareness to help others needing in vitro fertilization to build healthy families. They will be joined by MLA Rick Fraser who is…
One Year Later: Happy Anniversary to Infertility Patients And What is Happening with IVF Funding in Ontario 2015
One year ago so many infertility patients in Ontario breathed a huge sigh of relief. I remember ecstatic voices and many tears too. I remember this post from last year and the patient reactions. It was an exciting time to be involved in this advocacy effort striving to generate support and IVF funding for infertility patients in Ontario. When the announcement came I remember being here watching it all unfold on television. Right before an election was called. The election plunged everyone into a period of high activity, anxiety and nerves too. It was a roller coaster ride added to the already brutally bumpy ride that is the infertility journey.…
Should Sex Education Curriculum in Ontario Also Include Infertility and Fertility?
Starting in September 2015, Ontario’s schools are working with a new updated sex education curriculum. I am happy to hear that the new Ontario school sex education curriculum will include topics such as transgendered people, homosexuality, sexting and consent. This conversation inside a school might make kids a bit squeamish while sitting through it, but it’s important for life. One morning before school this month, my daughter and I had an open conversation about transgendered people. She legitimately wanted to know something about someone she met while travelling one weekend to Mont Tremblant, Quebec, where we learned to ski. “Mom,” she asked, “was that a boy or a girl in the airport?”…
Ontario Infertility Patient Chat Tonight #ohip4ivf #onpoli
Ontario is the province I call home. Many of my readers also live in Ontario. I believe strongly in the leadership of this province and I believe also that Ontario values families. There is no greater evidence of this than the recent commitment to fund IVF for people struggling with infertility. Infertile couples will soon have access to vital efficient fertility treatment. Why is that such a big deal? WELL, let me tell you: 1. Funding IVF (in vitro fertilization) with SET ( single embryo transfer) saves money. When couples must pay 10,000 to $13,000 for a round of IVF that ends up being extremely cost prohibitive. Some couples borrow,…
Part 3: Egg Freezing – Heather and Hunter
Meet Heather and Hunter Pelz. Mom and Baby couldn’t be happier or healthier. He’s a bit of a miracle and at 11 months, like many babies he is growing fast, exploring and socializing slowly when safely in presence of his Mom or Dad. So what’s so unusual about this story? Well, Hunter was born when Mom was 44 which speaks to a trend that is not entirely uncommon in Canada. Moms across Canada, are often older when they begin trying to conceive. It’s a demographic reality that is also partly related to social expectations and the fact that a huge percentage of women have careers and post secondary education. That…
Part 2: Egg Freezing – Anna’s Cancer Diagnosis and Fertility Preservation
Meet Anna and Marlon Kashani. In January of 2014 Anna, 29 years old, engaged to Marlon, was diagnosed with breast cancer. The Vancouver couple were devastated of course. But they were even more shocked to hear that treatment had to start immediately. Anna’s family history of breast cancer meant specialists wanted to begin aggressive treatment right away. The situation was urgent. There was no talk of fertility preservation, or what might happen, until Anna brought it up. “The cancer clinic told us we would never have kids,” Anna said recently in Vancouver. “We weren’t satisfied with that answer. We did some research. We got a second opinion. The second opinion was…