Christina Knows Best – Prenatal Pregnancy Fitness Videos
It’s been several weeks since we’ve heard from Christina here and there’s good reason for that! She had her baby! A baby girl. So super exciting. And of course she has been busy getting used to life with baby. BUT, I wanted to share this one with you today, because this is a post she did about Pregnancy Fitness Videos before baby was born. I love this lady because she makes me laugh so hard. Can’t wait to see what she says next week about a new baby seat.
[tweetthis]Have you ever wondered about prenatal pregnancy fitness videos? Christina breaks it down here. [/tweetthis]
Christina is Thrifty Momma’s Tips Baby Vlogger contributor. If you have something you want to share with her, or something you would like her to consider for review send me an email here at and I will connect you both. I have a video coming for you next week as well from this funny new mom. This is her Youtube channel. She shared her thoughts a few months ago regarding the Diono Travel changer.
Follow her on twitter too @crissyknowsbest is all about adjusting to life as a new Mom and finding out which products are best suited to her newborn.
Thanks to Christina for sharing! Congratulations on the new baby girl! We can’t wait to see more soon.