Waste Free with SC Johnson Canada Zero Waste Challenge #SCJZeroWaste
Like a lot of families, my family uses SC Johnson Canada products. And while I’ve used them because they’re effective, I now have a new reason to keep on using them. My family and I do our best to reduce our impact on the environment, and so does SC Johnson Canada.
Waste Free with the SC Johnson Canada Zero Waste Challenge
My family and I live by the old adage, “Reuse, Reduce Waste, Recyle”. We all remember that ad on television. Well, my family and I have stuck to it the best that we can. We upcycle. We recycle. We mostly embrace the litterless lunch (even though that is hard some days). We do whatever we can to help keep the planet healthy. And when we trip up quite honestly it’s the kids who keep us honest. My girls are both massive recyclers. It’s hilarious the kind of things they recycle and upscale actually. Everything can be up cycled in Payton’s hands and fashioned into something new. Once in awhile I actually need to follow her lead.
About SC Johnson
SC Johnson has been making life better for families since 1886. It’s now in its 5th family-run generation, and it has a global presence in more than 70 countries world-wide. Their dedication to innovative, high-quality products, workplace excellence, and commitment to long-term care of the environment make them stand apart from other home product manufacturers.

About the Zero Waste Initiative
SC Johnson Canada is committed to reducing its impact on the environment. I love that, because the products I already use and love come from a company that are as committed to the environment as my family is. Take a look at what they’re doing to help reduce their own impact on our planet.
- SC Johnson Canada resells or recycles 100% of its e-waste and surplus IT equipment, including all hardware.
- Under this practice of protecting the environment, the company has sent no waste to landfills since January 2013.
- It has a waste diversion rate of 98%, far and away above the requirements of the industry. To achieve this, SC Johnson Canada replaced garbage bins at workstations with centralized sorting bins, helping ensure that zero waste leaves the office area.
SC Johnson Canada Wants You to go Zero Waste
Not only is SC Johnson Canada committed to zero waste, they want you to be as well. They want you to consider making that littlerless lunch process a whole home lifestyle. To that end, they’ve asked me to share some tips on how to help reduce your impact on the environment.
- Recycle – Simply recycling can vastly reduce your impact on the environment. Recycling reduces landfill waste and reduces the amount of natural resources used to make products.
- Recycle Electronics – When your electronic devices wear out or become obsolete, take them to a certified electronics recycling center. Electronics can have chemicals that can seep into the soil. We are gadget girls in my family so this one is a big deal. My husband and I both believe in teaching our kids to recycle old gadgets responsibly.
- Use High Efficiency Everything – You can find high efficiency versions of almost everything from appliances to light bulbs. These reduce the amount of energy, water, and soap products you home uses. My husband is the gatekeeper on this one. He pretty much embraces this challenge with fervour.
- Compost – Even if you don’t garden, composting is a great way to help the environment. Composting reduces waste in landfills and reduces methane in the atmosphere. This is one area I know we could improve. We reuse the clippings from each time we mow our lawn and we try to fertilize the grass naturally in that regard. But we have yet to get a composter. That’s on my to do list still for this coming year.
SC Johnson Canada is doing its part to help keep the environment healthy, and they’re asking that you do the same. If you follow the tips above, you can reduce your impact on the environment and be one step closer to zero waste. Please join SC Johnson Canada in helping keep our planet healthy for years to come.
Disclosure: I am part of the PTPA Brand Ambassador Program with SC Johnson and I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

Sarah Jackson
we live in such a wasteful world , everything is disposable! we do a lot around our home to save the environment , recycling everything we can and teaching our kids that things can be reused and composted ,
Florence C
Great program. We recycle whatever is possible to and reuse. We also compost year round.
When we first came to Canada I was amazed by the amount of packaging that came with everything. We create min. waste, but it’s hard to avoid commercial packaging.
Darlene Schuller
A lot of changes can be/need to be made. We recycle our trash. We live in an apartment and don’t have a composter. All that pretty much gets thrown out is food scraps. Works out very well, we have a full bag of recycle each week and about 1/2 bag of ‘trash’ once a month.
Judy Cowan
Great program, we do try to cut down on waste as much as we can but haven’t got to zero waste yet.
Silvia D
A great program! Was not aware that SC Johnson has been around since 1886!
Elizabeth Matthiesen
we recycle, reuse, donate, collect compost, reduce energy usage and generally do all we can to reduce our footprint.
Huguette E.
The regular pick up of recycles is just starting here, love it, it’s making recycling much easier than driving with it to deposit in town. I want to try composting next.
Judy Cowan
It is a great challenge and something we should all take!
Darlene Schuller
The only thing we don’t do is compost!
Suzanne G
I recycle as much as I can and because we live in the country there is no recycling pickup as there is in cities. Kudos to SC Johnson Canada on their recycling plan and it would be great if more big companies would rise to this level.
Silvia D
we have the kids involved with recycling, reusing, donating ect.. and are really good at remembering and even donate their books and toys regularily they no longer use
So good to teach this and role model this – I try my best to always use reusable containers for my kids lunches
Florence C
Great program which we follow as much as possible.
heidi c.
We try to be very proactive when it comes to recycling as it is so hard to see such waste in our world. Kudos to SC Johnson for spreading the word.
Krista M
I live in an area that JUST got recycling bins put in last week, which was long overdue. It will make life easier for us now. SC Johnson in doing a great job with this program. Canada is really on top of these initiatives.