Does My Baby Have a Club Foot? A Guest Post
Clubfoot Guest Blog Post – Part 1
This is a Guest Post from the Lovely Crystal over on Crystal Clear As Mud.
Crystal has a great blog and she is also Canadian. Come Back tomorrow for Part 2 of the Club Foot Series.
While I was pregnant, I always found going for ultrasounds somewhat nerve wrecking since our first pregnancy, before our daughter, ended as a missed miscarriage. Was everything ok? Was the baby growing as he/she should? Am I doing what I should? The questions were always there.
When we found out we were pregnant with our second child it was no different. We had been for an ultrasound at 12 weeks where we heard the heartbeat and saw our baby. All was well.
So we were very excited to go for the ultrasound at 21 weeks, as we were going to find out the sex of our baby! We found out it was a boy – exciting! What we weren’t prepared for was what I happened to notice on the screen. At around 18 weeks, they do a more in depth ultrasound. So they are measuring everything – heart, lungs, head, limbs etc. But the ultrasound technician seemed to continually be going over his feet. That is when I noticed that his one foot looked like a little different than the other.
This is how our clubfoot journey started over 5 years ago now, there have been a lot of ups and downs along the way, which I have described in a series of blog posts so that other can know they are not alone.
To read more about Crystal’s family experience, you can start here: Our Clubfoot Journey – Part 1 http://www.crystalclearmud.com/our-clubfoot-journey-part-1/>
Crystal McLeod is a work-from-home-mom of two children and together with her family, Crystal resides just outside of the nation’s capital in the Ottawa Valley. Never a dull moment doing the most important job there is – raising your family and trying to keep your head on straight….if that is even possible!?
Visit Crystal at her space in the internet, Crystal Clear as Mud http://www.crystalclearmud.com/ or you can find her on one of the many social media outlets that she frequents!

Robin (Masshole Mommy)
Oh boy, I have never even heard of Club Foot before. Thanks for helping raise awareness.
Heather D. (@GirlGoneMom)
I have always been a nervous pregnant person because my first pregnancy ended in miscarriage. I never thought about worrying about club foot.
I actually had a club foot when I was born. I had physical therapy and orthotics, but my foot is still a little messed up even today.
Catherine S
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I will make sure to read your other blog post.
Liz Mays
It must be nerve-wracking to find out there could be a problem that early in your pregnancy. I had no idea they could pick that up with an ultrasound.
Miles L.
Thanks for sharing your story. We have neighbor who have the same problem. It’s really a challenging time for them.
Annemarie LeBlanc
My daughter was always nervous every time she would have an ultrasound exam when she was pregnant with her first child. Everything made her worry. The measurements, the heart rate, the amniotic fluid amount. I mean, technology is good, it makes us aware of what is going on inside the womb, however on the other hand, it may cause undue stress on the mother that may affect the baby too.
Amanda Love
I’m sure it must have been nerve wracking for you. I remember when I had to go in for mine with my daughter, they were worried about her heart, however she turned out fine.
Wow, you don’t know when you don’t know. I have never heard of this before
This is very important information for new moms. Sometimes it is hard to tell if something is going on with your baby and this is great for educating moms in general.
Lisa Rios
I think most of us have to go through all those nervous stage during our first pregnancy in particular. Thank you for sharing your story & looking to hear more about the club foot journey.
It’s good they can pick things up with the ultrasound. It helps you have time to get informed on things you need to know specific to your case.
O my! This is definitely a first for me hearing of club foot! Glad I know what it is now and so happy that ultra sounds pick this kinda thing up!