Cure Holiday Hangover – Realistic Resolutions for a Healthy 2017
This post has been generously sponsored by Bayer.
The start of a brand new year is something to celebrate. A brand new start, or a clean chapter. But let’s be honest holiday hangover is also very real. You’re still tidying up the decorations, in the midst of cold and flu season and your health is bound to take a hit. So stack the deck and prepare for a month of hard work, fighting back with realistic resolutions.
Instead of resolving to do something huge – like weight loss or dramatic fitness overhaul – how about several small but attainable resolutions. Let’s start with getting you and your family healthy. Today, when our guests left my house, I hit the local drug store and stocked up on vitamins and a few other things we need. Things that help all of us reach realistic resolutions.
First off, my nephews and my niece were here for a couple of days. They arrived later than ever this year because they’ve all been down with a cold and flu bug, like so many families I know. We literally just got better ourselves after a bit of a bout with a cold bug over Christmas. This season has been a brutal one so we are taking care to keep things on hand that everyone needs, so holiday hangover doesn’t leave us all down for the count.
Everyone’s noses have been stuffed up this holiday and mine doesn’t seem to want to stop running. Since my brother’s family was not well I am boosting my vitamin C intake and my family is relying on a few of these products to help.
Common January Complaints:
How to Maintain Realistic Resolutions With Support:
- Feeling “stuffed-up”
- Unfortunately catching up with the littlest family members here also means germs. Though I wouldn’t trade their visits for the world, I don’t relish the cold germs they sometimes leave behind, or the annoying nasal congestion that follows. hydraSense® can help get rid of nasal congestion so you can breathe better and feel free to start that new project. It’s new to me and seems to work really well. hydraSense is 100% naturally-sourced seawater that is clinically proven to reduce and relieve nasal congestion and nasal cold symptoms
- Feeling “off rhythm”
- Holiday eating is fun but not usually comprised of a well-balanced high-fibre diet and can lead to issues like constipation. For effective relief of occasional constipation, without bloating, cramping, or gas, you may consider RestoraLAX®. Maintaining a well-balanced high fibre diet and keeping well hydrated may help promote regularity. We keep this one on hand year round because one of the members of my family needs this often. What we like about RestoraLAX® is that it isn’t gritty at all and it dissolves easily without any taste at all.
Soon enough the New Year leads to a new semester with back to school again. Not long after that, the kids are into big school projects and one starts exams as well. So, this year we are stocking One-A-Day® vitamins and FLINTSTONES™ I am pretty happy to give my kids the same vitamins I used to take as a child. Once daily vitamins are a simple way to give your whole family’s nutrition a boost.
One-A-Day® can help kick-start your healthy year by providing vitamins to help maintain good health. Get your kids into a daily routine too with FLINTSTONES™ to help provide the nutritional support they need when they may not be getting all their dietary needs from food alone.
Good Habits are Important all year round. Sleep and exercise are crucial. Do yourself a favour and be sure to get what you need as a Mom, or Dad. This Mom exercises as often as she can so that she has enough energy to tackle business and parenting too. You know that saying when Mom is happy everybody is happy. It’s the truth.
Even if you don’t have kids, I know how hard it can be to rationalize taking time for you.
Here are a few other ideas to consider if you are also planning to be realistic this year.
- Take time for yourself and meditate
- Adding 5-10 minutes of meditation to your daily routine can help you feel more refreshed and balanced. Choosing to take this time for yourself may actually free up time in your schedule; studies show that meditating can actually help the brain process information faster.
- Pledge to power down an hour before bed time.
- The light that emanates from your phone, computer or TV can actually activate the brain and make it more difficult to fall asleep. Swap nightly screen time for a magazine or book to help your body prepare for sleep. This simple choice can help you feel much more refreshed in the mornings. This is one I continue to tell my teenager. It’s hard to convince them sometimes. Check the gadgets in my office at night I ask. That sometimes works for her.
- Soothe holiday hangover, and stay on top of all your resolutions with Bayer.
To make sure these products are right for you, always read and follow the label.
Are there other small activities or habits that you’re incorporating into your routine to improve your health nd help you ditch holiday hangover in 2017?
I am a Bayer ambassador and as such I receive compensation for this post. My opinion is my own and it is also truthful.

We made it through the holidays with nobody getting sick and I though we were home free. Nope didn’t happen. All your ideas and suggestion are great for getting us back up and running again.
Alli Smith
Thankfully, there was no sickness in our home during the holidays. I remember giving my kids Flintstones vitamins when they were little and I always loved the jingle on the Flintstones commercial. Those vitamins are awesome!
You have included some of our favorite products here. My boys love their Flintstones vitamins…and sometimes I steal some, too! Yabba Dabba, Do!
I need to do this! I need to unplug better and eat healthier foods and take vitamins. I am trying to make my body healthier.
Nancy @ whispered inspirations
We are always stocked with those items tho no one here ever experiences a hangover. My kids love the flintstone vitamins!
I like your plan of setting realistic goals for the new year. I am definitely trying to eat healthier and I take vitamins as well. I think Flintstones are a very good choice for children. I was a pretty difficult child but I didn’t mind taking those as much as other vitamins my parents tried to give me.
Rebecca Swenor
These are great tips for a healthier realistic resolution It is so important for us all to take care of ourselves by having that me time. Taking a vitamin a day is so important for the adults as well as the kids. The hydraSense is something I could really use now so I will have to pick some up. Thanks for sharing the tips.
Jocelyn Cañasa Brown
I definitely need to add in a few things here and there but just not sure what yet. Thanks for the ideas!
Jenn @ EngineerMommy
I look forward to the end of the holiday season, when I can take down all the decor and get back to a minimalist decor. I also love setting new goals for the NEw Year.
Gwendolyn Mulholland
I am happy to say we made it through the holidays without getting sick. These are great products to have on hand to prevent getting sick and start the new year off right.
Yeah, I didn’t realize holiday hang over was a real thing, but I kind of experienced it. I’ve tried getting all the Christmas stuff packed up and put away, but I’m having the hardest time with this last bit of stuff. I think this is the time when it all just hits you. I guess I’d rather be sick now then over the holidays. Hopefully we all stay healthy though. Happy New Year!
That is the one downside to this time of year and I manage to catch everything going! Like you I try to take health suppliments to boost my immunity but I don’t find they really help much when it ocmes to the colds and stuffy noses. I will be giving the hydraSense a go, sounds like it might help
bonnie G
I’m incorporating more healthier foods and products and are good for me and my family this year. Hopefully making that change makes us feel better after the holidays.
Dawn McAlexander
I have always enjoyed those Flintstones vitamins. I used to take them as a kid and I still like them today. I think they are the best way to get your daily supply of vitamins.
Maureen @Scoops of Joy
Sounds like great range of products especially during the winter time. It’s the rainy season here so your recommendations comes in handy too 😀
Mimi Green
I’m so thankful we’ve not had the winter sickness in my home. I have seen a lot of folks on social media who have the flu. I am pumping up our immune systems right now so that we remain germ-free.
Mimi- Oh yes everybody is sick in January over the winter months and then in cold and flu season too. Time for me to refill all the items we ran out of here over the summer months.
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen
We’ve hads cold and flu this season too so we’re ready with fresh fruits and juices and of course, vitamins.
Time to restock again just in time for cold and flu season.
Alexander Jacques Sabucido
This is actually great article. A lot of great points.