Easter Colour by Number Activity Sheet
Spring is here. Now, that’s cause for celebration. So, I thought I’d share this cute Easter Colour by Number activity sheet with you.
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Is spring is in the air, then Easter can’t be far behind. But that means a whole mess of weather in between. Rain and sometimes snow is still on the agenda.
One Year Ago…
OH BOY, it is hard to believe where we were one year ago. How has it been one year since the start of the pandemic here in Ontario? Such a hard year. But I still believe that 2021 can’t be as bad as 2020 was. I am hopeful and grateful for new starts.
Enjoy This Cute Activity
Here’s an Easter Colour by Number Activity Sheet to help you get through some of the transition days. Brighten up the long wintery days that cling on as you wait for the seasons to fully turn to spring.

That’s just how spring rolls. It is a hot mess or a dog’s breakfast sometimes.
So, here’s when you sometimes need a little activity to keep the kids occupied. The rainy days are here to stay in April and that means indoor activities are the way to go. Check out my Spring Word Search and also the Easter scavenger hunt here too.

This Indoor Scavenger Hunt is easy to do on the rainy days also, so don’t miss this easy printable activity that can guide this indoor family activity.
Check Out These Printables

To print this Colour By Number Spring Printable click the link below.

Happy Easter! What are you upto this year?