Eight Crafty Valentine’s Day Card Boxes
Are your kids crafty? Do they also love Valentine’s Day? Then this cute collection of easy to make and fun Valentine’s Day card boxes is a must save for later. Remember when you were a child and Valentine’s Day was such a fun event? I sure do. These craft Valentine’s Day card boxes might require a bit of help from Mom or Dad. The good part about that is you will have some fun reliving your youth if you need to help a bit.
The thing I remember most from Valentine’s Day as a kid was the fun involved every year in making Valentine’s Day card boxes. The crafter in me loved making the cutest red or pink sparkly containers every year for all the adorable cards. Back in my day we used a Kleenex box pretty much every year in elementary school. Almost everyone spent a whole art period making one of these fetching Valentine’s Day card boxes that was sort of like a little mailbox for all your special messages.
Do you have special memories of Valentine’s Day as a child? Do you remember making these boxes at all?
8 Kids Valentine’s Day Card Boxes Craft Ideas!
1. Valentine’s Boxes
2. Football Field Classroom Valentine Box for Boys
3. Be Valentine’s Mailbox
4. Happy Camper Valentine Card Box
5. American Girl Craft Valentine Mailboxes
6. Disney’s Frozen Olaf Valentines Mailbox
7. How to Make a Valentine Box Robot
8. Crocodile Valentine Box
Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you! Here’s hoping your sweet kiddos don’t overdo it on chocolate and that they enjoy Valentine’s Day as much as I used to when I was small.
I have some cute Valentine’s Day crafts they can make easily without much supervision here too.
If you are looking for more Valentine’s craft ideas click over to my Pinterest I Heart Valentine’s Day board for all sorts of amazing crafts and treats.
For giveaways that are Valentine’s Day related you should definitely take a peek here:
My Sweet Valentine Giveaway $400 US
and this one too: My Favourite Pandora charm bracelet and Fossil Wallet giveaway
[tweetthis]Eight adorable Valentine’s Day Card Boxes Kids can Make this year #ValentinesDay[/tweetthis]
Valentine’s Day Card Boxes
These Valentine’s Day card boxes will help your little people reflect on their friendships and keep their memories safe. Plus they are a whole lot of fun to make. That can’t be beat. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Darrah Bailey
Love these ideas! LOVE the mailbox.. SUPER cute..
kristen visser
omg these are so clever and adorable! My favorite is the Happy Camper Valentine Card Box
I love that one too!!
Amy Orvin
I love the Crocodile Valentine Box idea! That would be so fun and cute to make.
Judy Cowan
Cute ideas! Really like the Happy Camper Valentine Card Box!
Cassie Fancy
My daughters would love these !! Thank you
that crocodile box is something she’d love
Those are some great ideas. I used to do this kind of thing with my kids when they were small, I still love to craft with the grandboys when I get a chance.
Judy Cowan
The American Girl Craft Valentine Mailbox is cute and could be used all the time not just Valentine’s.
Amy Orvin
The Happy Camper Valentine Card Box craft is super adorable! I would like to make that with my niece.
Judy Cowan
Great craft idea to do this week leading up to Valentine’s!
Amy Orvin
My neighbor’s girl would love to make that Valentine Box Robot. Thanks for the great idea!
angela m
What cute ideas. I love the American Girl Craft Valentine Mailboxes
Judy Cowan
My niece would love to make one of these, especially the American Girl one.
I think that doing crafts on a rainy day with the kids is one of the best thing
Debbie S.
I just love the little camper, too cute!
Judy Cowan
These are great! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Amy Orvin
I am checking out your I Heart Valentine’s Day Pinterest board and I really like it! The 25 Treats and Desserts for Valentine’s Day pin is fabulous! I want to make some of the crafts mentioned here, too!!!
Elizabeth Matthiesen
A great collection of ideas. We didn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day the same when I was a child, it was a day when teens sent an anonymous card to someone they liked. Adults sometimes did the same and couples bought each other presents, flowers and a card too.
Judy Cowan
All eight of these would be fun to make. My nephew would probably like the Robot one.
Melissa R.
I love the crocodile one! So cute I think my son would love to make something like that not just for valentines
Elizabeth Matthiesen
So these Valentine’s Day card boxes, are they for putting in the cards/messages that you’ve received yourself?
Silvia D
so many adorable ideas! I remember way back in school just decorating a tissue box.
heidi c.
These are adorable! The Olaf one would be a big hit!
Amy Orvin
These crafts are just so cute, I want to make them all! Thanks for sharing such great Valentine’s ideas.
Judy Cowan
Great ideas, always nice to get new seasonal crafting ideas.
Jennifer Ann Wilson
Thanks for all the really great ideas!
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I do like the caravan/Camper that is really cute 🙂
Judy Cowan
Love these! Happy Valentine’s Day!
nicolthepickle (Nicole Graham)
Aww, these are really cool. We actually made boxes yesterday for some Valentine’s chocolates. I wish I had seen these first.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I think that Olaf turned out pretty well too, my granddaughters would probably pick that one 🙂
Judy Cowan
Very cute and lots of fun for Valentine’s Day!
These are so cute!! I just love the crocodile one 🙂
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Do these just get put away when Valentine’s Day is over and brought out again next year?
Debbie S.
I think the american girl Craft Valentine Boxes are adorable, and easy to make too!
Jennifer Ann Wilson
I really love the American Girl Craft Valentine Mailboxes, what a cute idea!
Judy Cowan
Hope you and your family has a great Valentine’s Day!
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I’ve never heard of people making these boxes before.
Carole Dube
These are just beautiful and very creative! I love them!
Judy Cowan
The American Doll one would be great because you could use it all year to play with.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
The crocodile Valentine box is rather cute, I’m not surprised your boys like it 🙂
nicolthepickle (Nicole Graham)
The camper one is really sweet!
Jennifer Ann Wilson
I’m loving the Olaf Valentines box!
Judy Cowan
I am sure the Olaf one would be very popular!
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I also like the American Girl Craft Valentine Mailbox but where on earth do you get a real looking mailbox? We don’t have Target here any longer and I’ve not seen mailboxes around.
How sweet ! Love the ideas !!
Judy Cowan
Didn’t get around to making any this year but good idea to tuck away for next.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I’m not sure what my granddaughters do with theirs, I’ll have to find out if they have a Valentine’s Box for their cards. 🙂