family,  Food

Eight of the Best Easter Desserts From Popular Blogs

Well Spring is clearly here. Time to share some of the Best Easter Desserts around. Last night we spied half a dozen bunnies hopping around our backyard. They were totally skittish though and every time a tiny noise occurred they raced under my neighbour’s trampoline. So we couldn’t grab any pictures of them. This time of year is sweet both literally and figuratively. That’s why I thought it time to share some of the best Easter desserts we have found.

Best Easter desserts

Hello Spring time!! Winter can be long and gruelling. Don’t get me wrong – our family LOVES winter weather. Winter weather equals more skiing and great ski trips. This year we had some amazing times at Sugarbush Resort and Mad River Glen too. Vermont is our favourite place to be in the winter.

The extra sunlight in the spring is very welcome and for me, Easter also means time to bake some fun up in the kitchen. There are so many fun spring recipes. This Easter I am again hopeful that we have a chance to have a beautiful sit down meal here at our house with my niece and my nephews.

Of course I can hardly wait for the long weekend to come! But first there are a few weeks left to get through and of course there is always shopping to do for all the ingredients necessary to make the meal a success and the table picture perfect. But with this group of the eight best Easter desserts around I think we are off to a great start this year.

Hoping these links and recipes will help you to decide on some treats for your Easter weekend. Here are eight of the best Easter desserts I could find on some popular blogs I read regularly. The fudge will be a huge hit here and I might also try the cookie bars. How scrumptious and cute is the coconut bunny cake? Yes please. I love coconut scent and flavour.

Happy Easter! Hope the baking gods are kind to you and everything turns out beautifully!

[tweetthis]Pin the eight best Easter desserts and have a happy, tasty, Easter! [/tweetthis]

Eight Best Easter Desserts:

Easter Chocolate Chick Cupcakes – Thrifty DIY Diva
Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Brownies – Roxana’s Home Baking
Coconut Bunny Cake – Mom Endeavors
Chocolate Easter Hen Cupcakes – Savvy Saving Couple
Easter Bunny Cookies – Sweet Pea Savings
Easter Fudge – Tammileetips
Homemade Carrot Cake – A Mom’s Take
Cookie Bars – Our Table for Seven

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.