Fairy Tales are Real with The Irish Fairy Door Company
There’s something about fairies and fairy tales that captures our imaginations. Remember when you were a kid? Remember how badly you wanted fairies to be real? The thought of fluttering wings and pixie dust was intoxicating with the possibility of something magical just out of sight. Well, now fairy tales are almost real thanks to The Irish Fairy Door Company. They bring the magic of fairies right into your home.
Fairy Tales Come Alive with The Irish Fairy Door Company
The Irish Fairy Door Company helps fairies relocate into homes and gardens all over the world with their Irish fairy doors. Have you ever made an outdoor fairy garden? You could potentially use this there too if you wanted. They make memorable family moments with the magic of imagination and adorable wooden doors. When my kids were small we had a Santa chimney key and a story that went with that and it was a treasured tradition each year. I kind of see the fairy doors like that. Young children will love the concept of writing to their fairy each night. Each door contains a “special magic” so that a fairy can live comfortably in their new human home.
[tweetthis]Enter now to win an adorable Irish Fairy Door gift set. #giveaways[/tweetthis]
This sounds adorable right? I know! It really is cute. Less creepy than the Elf guy. We received a fairy door and some adorable fairy clothing. The Irish Fairy Door Company is all about imagination, creativity, and the belief that something magically wonderful is out there. The company offers doors, accessories, books, plush toys, and wall decals. AND they have a super cute collection of web pages on their site with fairy stories, fairy FAQ’s, fairy names, and fairy facts. They’re all fairy all the time.
When you receive your fairy door, the fairy tales begin to become a reality in the home. Using the secret code, your child can register at the website for fairy stories and activities. You’ll even get an email with an Official Fairy Lease Agreement. Super cute and really a fun opportunity to indulge in make believe. The Fairy Welcome Guide and the Family/ Fairy Lease Agreement are actually my favourite parts of this toy. Even my teen laughed out loud at this: “If pets live within the home, please ensure that they do not tinkle against the door. Having a wee covered door can cause your fairy to get quite upset.”
The Heart of Fairy Tales in Your Home
My kids tested out the fairy door from The Irish Fairy Door Company. It’s a sweet concept that will make a believer out of any child. This would be a sweet gift for a child under the age of ten this season. If you want to believe, too check out The Irish Fairy Door Company and see how they make fairy tales come to life in your home. I will warn you be careful with the laundry line with clothing if you get it. It’s fragile. The Irish Fairy door starter set is $39.99.
We received a fairy door and some other items in order to write this post. We also have one Fairy Door set to gift to a reader. Follow the instructions to win.

Victoria Ess
I’d gift it to my niece!
Stephanie LaPlante
I would gift this to my little cousins
Liz m
I would love to suprise my daughters with it! So, SO cute!!
Heather Lynne
My Mom wants one of these, so I’d give it to her! 🙂
Judy Cowan
I would gift it to my niece if I won, she would like it.
Darlene Schuller
This would be a gift for me! I’ve wanted one of these for so long!!
ivy pluchinsky
I would gift this to my niece!
Tara Betterley
I would gift this to my daughter. I love fairy gardens and she often helps me create them. Now she can have one in her room!
Debbie White Beattie
I would gift this to my niece
Andrea Amy
I would give this to my son
I would gift this to my niece C.
lori butler
i love these, but I know my little niece would too.
Wanda Tracey
I have always wanted an Irish fairy doorI think they are adorable and represent a little bit of magic!!
Bailey Dexter
I would love to share this cute one with the grandkids!
Kim K
I would gift this to my niece if I won
Cathy C
I would keep this myself to make a fairy garden.
Carole Dube
I would gift it to my granddaughter
Caryn Coates
I would gift this to my daughter
Crystal Porter
I would gift this to my niece.
Lee-Ann S
Miss R would be thrilled to get this.
Doris humber
I would gift this to my niece.
Brenda Lacourciere
this would be for my granddaughter who has just started loving fairies.
perfect gifts for my grandson
My niece would love this! I’ve seen so many cute ideas for the area around the doors! So cute!
Juliee Fitze
I would gift it to my granddaughter .
Laurie P
My little girl would love to have a fairy door in our home 🙂