Family Day Word Search

Family Day Word Search

By now you know my family and I love word searches. So for Family Day this year I decided to create a Family Day word search for everyone to enjoy. Do you celebrate Family Day? Is there a trip planned to see relatives when Family Day comes around every year in February? Or do you just relax at home and play some board games, or go watch a movie?

However you choose to spend Family Day, this Family Day Word Search and all the related Word Puzzles and Free Printables here on Thrifty Mommas Tips should keep you busy and having fun together.

Family Day Word Search
Family Day Word Search


Happy Family Day!

Family Day is a special day here to remember how we became a family. For those of you who don’t know, there are many provinces now that celebrate Family Day. Ontario and Alberta celebrate on February 16th. British Colombia celebrates on February 9th. I remember when Family Day was implemented by our Ontario Liberal government. I wasn’t sure what to think at the time, but I love it now. What’s not to love about a day off in February? Beat the February blahs at the movies, or out tubing, skating or tobogganing!

One February a couple of years ago we spent the day tubing at Boler Mountain. It was awesome! I’d love to do that again. Do you celebrate Family Day? If so, what do you do?

I know my readers love word searches. I have several others here. I have a Family Day printable family tree. There’s a Family Day crossword here too. Download them all and have some fun! These are perfect for your little people if they are learning to read, or even if they just need a bit of practice reading.

Family Day Word Search Instructions

You can take this word search above by right clicking and saving it and then printing it out OR you can click the PDF link below and print it out full size.

Family Day Word Search PS-1


Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.