Free Printable Weekly Menu Meal Planner
Are you a meal planner? Or do you see your phone flashing 5 p.m. and hit the panic button? I am a bit of both. More manic panic meals than well thought out meal plans. So why should I be concerned? Well, I know it makes more sense to plan because it is budget friendly. There are thousands of bloggers talking meal plans. Need proof? Head on over to Facebook any night at about 5 p.m., or browse some blogs on a Monday. Menu Planning Monday is a whole thing. Until recently, I have taken a pass on this whole phenomenon. But I know I can do better. I know I need to do better. Even the Mayo Clinic indicates that meal planning saves you money and helps you to eat healthier.
[tweetthis]More manic panic meals than well thought out meal plans? This may help.[/tweetthis]
I have turned a new leaf this year with the planning process and I am not sure why, but I am planning out my business so much better than I ever did before. In fact I am planning weeks in advance because I find myself so much better organized and able to cope with some occasional curve balls, like illness and sudden trips or business travel. Plus at Christmas when we took our cruise I was working like a maniac to get things scheduled and ready for sharing in my absence. I’d much rather have post topics worked out and planned so I can take those family trips without weeks of crazy plotting.
Plus there’s the whole high blood pressure issue that I have been managing. So meal planning makes more sense when that is an issue as well. Why? Well, because when I forget to plan then occasionally we are stuck eating a higher sodium item that is prepackaged. I run out of time to make anything substantial and health and homemade when that happens so we rely on frozen foods like lasagna, or we visit a take out and grab something there. If you need to tackle fast foods I have a food ledger printable here that might help. I know that’s not great for your heart or high blood pressure. I am getting really good otherwise at cutting out sodium and fat and caffeine, so I think I can conquer the rest of the healthy eating process with meal planning.
I am giving some very real thought to this process of meal planning. Are you a meal planner? Or do you wing it? To help you also do some meal planning I have made this meal planner to share with my readers.
If you want to use this meal planner you can right click on image above and save to your computer and then print it out, or you can simply download it from PDF link here.