Fifteen DIY Homemade Halloween Costumes for Kids
It’s that time of year when crafty people everywhere go nuts. I’m talking Halloween. Halloween can be the best opportunity for crafty DIY types to show their creative side. When I was a child we almost always had DIY Kid’s Homemade Halloween Costumes.
One year I remember my brother dressed as a robot entering a competition for kid’s Homemade Halloween Costumes. It was the most elaborate homemade kid’s costume he ever had. I can’t remember what I was that year. I outgrew Halloween a couple years before he did. But I recall that Halloween being really unique and memorable. And that costume was amazing!!
[tweetthis]15 Homemade Halloween Costumes #DIY[/tweetthis]
If you are a handy person, or even if you aren’t, and you simply need a little bit of help getting started, there’s a bit of everything here for you. I LOVE the Toothless costume! Wish I had thought of it myself.
15 DIY Homemade Halloween Costumes
- Last Minute DIY Octopus Costume from Simmworks Family Blog
- DIY Boo From Monster Inc Costume from Midget Momma
- Bumble Bee Costume Tutorial from Creative Green Living
- iPad Halloween Costume from Kids Activities Blog
- Halloween Hat Pack from Fleece Fun
- Harry Potter Halloween Costumes from Hi It’s Jilly
- Homemade No Sew Pirate Costume from Artsy Momma
- DIY Unicorn Costume Tutorial from Craftaholics Anonymous
- DIY Angel Costume from Scattered Thoughts Of A Crafty Mom
- DIY Toothless Costume from Make It And Love It
- Making a Magical Wizard Costume from Sew Can Do
- The Easiest DIY Elsa Dress from All Things With Purpose
- Hammerhead Shark, Rainbow Unicorn And Peter Pan from Jane Can
- DIY Scuba Diver Halloween Costume from Delineate Your Dwelling
- DIY Rainbow Dash Costume from Gros Grain Fab