Sensory Friendly Halloween Costumes for Children with Sensory Sensitivities
If you have a child with sensory sensitivities then you know how important it is to find them sensory friendly Halloween costumes. Halloween Should Be Scary, Not Scratchy Both of my girls have always had different levels of sensory sensitivities. In fact, it was the sensory reactions that first alerted us to Ainsley’s sensory processing disorder. Over time, that evolved into a couple of other diagnoses. But, the sensory processing was a huge factor for many years. It still is, even long after my daughters have outgrown trick or treating. Over a course of several Halloweens we learned a few tricks and we found many sensory friendly Halloween costumes. When…
Halloween Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
Halloween facts you probably didn’t know are the focus today. We all know that Halloween is a night of dressing up and tromping around the neighborhood for sugary treats that will cause our children to become raving lunatics. But do we know any more than that? Well, you will after you read this! Get ready from some Halloween facts that will blow your mind! Halloween Facts – Fun and Interesting All Hallow’s Eve Trivia So let’s get into it. Halloween hasn’t always been about candy. Well, it has, but it hasn’t always been about JUST candy. It actually has a long, storied history that most of us don’t know. Halloween…
Fifteen DIY Homemade Halloween Costumes for Kids
It’s that time of year when crafty people everywhere go nuts. I’m talking Halloween. Halloween can be the best opportunity for crafty DIY types to show their creative side. When I was a child we almost always had DIY Kid’s Homemade Halloween Costumes. One year I remember my brother dressed as a robot entering a competition for kid’s Homemade Halloween Costumes. It was the most elaborate homemade kid’s costume he ever had. I can’t remember what I was that year. I outgrew Halloween a couple years before he did. But I recall that Halloween being really unique and memorable. And that costume was amazing!! [tweetthis]15 Homemade Halloween Costumes #DIY[/tweetthis] If you…
Halloween Printable Activity Package #Halloween
Happy Halloween!! Pumpkins, and candy and skeletons!! Oh my. There’s nothing quite like Halloween to bring out the kid in all of us. I started decorating the moment the cool new toys from Hallmark arrived here. Do you have some special decorations up yet? Do you go all out? Do you simply feature a few small decorations? Some people in our new neighbourhood go all out with haunted houses and front foyers spilling out smoke onto the street for full effect! I love that. So do the kids. You know what else I love? A Free Halloween printables package – like this one! This year I wanted to share this…
Halloween DIY Bubble Gum Machine #WordlessWednesday
Well Halloween has come and gone, but I wanted to share our photos from this year’s event to prolong the fun a bit. As you can see we had a great time with costumes this year. Payton and I found the concept for this DIY Halloween Bubble Gum Machine costume on Pinterest and we duplicated it, with a few modifications for a young girl. I don’t let my kids wear costumes that are inappropriate for their ages. On Pinterest this Halloween DIY Bubble Gum Machine was shown with a mini-skirt. I prefer the pants and I think Payton did a great job with this. We found all the items for…
Happy Halloween #WordlessWednesday
Happy Halloween to all the ghosts and goblins out there! Wondering what the cool costume will be this year? Me too. I think there will again be many Marios. At our house we have one costume we are making tonight and one that was bought ready made. I knew youngest daughter really had her heart set on being a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle named Raph. That’s her favourite TMNT character, so we are almost ready to go. We still have to buy more candy though. How about you? Are you ready for Halloween?