
I Am A Decorating Dork #wordlesswednesday

style="clear: both; text-align: center;">beautiful_hall_displays
I am a decorating dork.
True story. I don’t have that gene. It is, in fact, a wonder I can match my own outfits.
So, occasionally my gal pal Margarita Ibbott of @downshiftingpro gives me a ring on my iPhone, or a message on Facebook or a DM and hunts me down to say: I found your chair. I found your picture. I found exactly what you have to have for your wall in the front hall. This loosely translates to come and meet me at the store and bring your money.
So today, I discovered Urban Barn, where she had found my chair. I will share my chair later when my drape situation has been fixed and my office is picture perfect. The curtains I bought today were too dark. Anyways, this is a display I spied at Urban Barn and kind of loved. So I had to share. I will be back there again I think. Pacing myself.
This is a Wordless Wednesday post.

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.