Keep it Together with Tile #Tileit
Keep it together! That’s something I tell myself quite often. As a mom of two, wife, blogger, social media consultant and avid traveler, I’m often on the go. I’m also occasionally frazzled. I can’t count how many times I’ve lost my keys – both in the house and out in the world – or misplaced my phone. It’s a frantic dash to find those things that I need in a day and yet somehow manage to lose. These days, life is a little easier on me, though. I’ve started using Tile to help me keep it together.
Keep it Together at All Times
We’ve all done it. You were frantic and late already, but now you’re running around like a chicken with its head  cut off trying desperately to find your keys. Your kids are whining that you’re going to miss the movie. You snap, “That won’t happen!” But deep down inside, you know it might. You also know that if that happens, you’ll hear about it FOREVER. Or maybe you’re late for school. Or church. Or whatever. It’s the same story with a different setting, but not with Tile.
Tile is a location system that combines a small, unobtrusive tracking Tile Mate or TileSlim and an app to help you quickly and easily locate anything you’ve attached it to. The system comes with the traditional tracking Tile Mate, which is perfect for attaching to keys, coats, bags, or any larger items, as well as the TileSlim which you can slide into your wallet or other smaller items to ensure you can find them whenever you need.
Keep it Together Simply
The Tile system makes it easy to keep it together with their tracking Tile Mate and TileSlim and app. It takes less than a minute to set up. After that, you can “call” your items when you’re nearby, find them on a map if you’re far away, or even get updated on their current location if they’ve been moved. Tile can even call your missing phone. It’s the most comprehensive location device ever made to help you keep it together featuring the world’s largest lost and found system. IT finds an impressive half a million items daily.
The Tile never needs to be charged, so it’s also extremely easy and convenient. It’s guaranteed to last for a full year before it needs to be replaced. The Tile Mate can be used on everything from your key chain to coats to bags to, well, almost anything, really. The Tile Slim has all of the same great tracking features but in the world’s thinnest Bluetooth tracker. It’s perfect for adding security to your wallet or other thinner object that might be a little too small for the Tile Mate.
You can find the Tile app on The App Store and Google Play, and you can find the Tile trackers online here. Not an online shopper? Canadian Tire, Best Buy, London Drug, and Staples also carry this amazing system.
Keep it Together and Keep Your Sanity with Tile
As a chronic misplacer, I can tell you that the Tile system is amazing. AH-mazing! I LOVE IT already, but I knew I would. The average person spends around 15 minutes looking for their keys and other objects, and I was definitely in that category. Now that I’m using the Tile system, those wasted minutes are gone. Now if I can’t remember where I put the keys or my wallet, I simply use the app, and I find them in no time. Easy peasy. And also awesome. If you’re a chronic misplacer, I encourage you to help yourself keep it together with Tile.
I received product for purposes of this post and I also have some to share with one lucky Canadian reader. My opinion is all my own and it is also truthful.Â
Judy Cowan
Would love a tile slim for my wallet since I have a habit of setting it down and then misplacing it. Would make the “panic” less if I knew I could track it down.
Judy Cowan
Photography is today’s word (Wednesday)
Karen E. Hill
I would love one for my keys. Constantly leaving them in one coat pocket and putting on another coat.
Karen E. Hill
Today’s word (Wed) is Photography
Amy Heffernan
I would love one for its tracking! I am always loosing my keys!
Amy Heffernan
Today’s word) is Photography!!!
I would really like to win so that I can slide this into my husband’s wallet. Next time he is running around asking where it is ….
Diana Powell
I would love to eliminate the daily morning hunt for keys.
Diana Powell
Photography is wed word
Robyn Bellefleur
This would be great to help me find my keys when trying to get to work in the mornings.
Robyn Bellefleur
Today’s word is Photography.
Tara Betterley
I would want it to attach to my wallet or my keys.. I am forever leaving them laying aound
Tara Betterley
Today is a great day for Photography.
Victoria Ess
I want this to keep track of my keys!
Victoria Ess
Thursday – Throwback
I would love to win as I misplace my keys ALL THE TIME! This would make life easier
Todays word is Throwback
Tara Betterley
Today is Throwback Thursday!
Judy Cowan
Would love a tile slim to help me track down my wallet when I sit it down somewhere.
Judy Cowan
Thursday is Throwback
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I really do need one of these because I keep loosing my phone, the trouble is it’s black and my furniture and counter tops are black too so I don’t see it most of the time.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Thursday is Throwback
Victoria Ess
I want this because I’m always losing my keys!
Victoria Ess
Friday – Woot!
The word for today is Woot!
Tara Betterley
Super excited today’s word is WOOT!
Judy Cowan
Would love to win one so I can find my wallet easier when I set it down and forget where I put it.
Judy Cowan
Friday – Woot!
Lynda Cook
Not so much for me, but my husband is always misplacing his keys and everything else he sits down!!
Lynda Cook
Friday – Woot!
Elizabeth Matthiesen
The secret word for Saturday is Holler
Tara Betterley
Saturday = Holler
Todays word is Holler
Victoria Ess
I want this to have for my keys!
Victoria Ess
Saturday – holler
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Saturday’s secret word is Holler
Elizabeth Matthiesen
A Tile Slim would help me find my phone when I’ve ‘lost’ it, as often happens. 🙂
Julie-Lynne McCann
I love technology and forever losing my keys etc.
This would be soooo amazing & helpful!
I’d love to win it, because hubby is always losing his keys!
today’s word is Holler
i always misplace my keys!
Krista M
I want to attach the Tile to my son’s iPod Touch which he uses for communication. He is always misplacing it & this would make it a relief to find.
Krista M
The word today is Holler
Judy Cowan
Would love to one to help keep track of my wallet, since I have a habit of misplacing it.
Judy Cowan
Saturday – Holler
Doris h
I’m always misplacing my keys. This is a handy way to find them….saves a lot of time from searching for keys.
Doris h
Today’s word is Holler.
Great to save a lot of time and panic because of the time for keys.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Sunday’s secret word is Sleepy
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I could actually use a second one so that I could always find my glasses too.
Victoria Ess
I want a tile to put on my keychain!
Victoria Ess
Todays word is sleepy
Tara Betterley
Today’s word is sleepy
Krista M
Word of the day is Sleepy
Judy Cowan
Would love a Tile Slim so I can keep better track of my wallet.
Judy Cowan
Sunday – Sleepy
I would like a Tile slim as I am always misplacing my keys!
Krista M
A Tile Slim would be ideal for when I lose my keys which is beyond frustrating!
Krista: I know how you feel and now having tile mate on my keys is awesome. The Tile Slim is going to my husband. He loses stuff as often as I do, o more often. LOL.
Good Luck!! I am using both gadgets here and love them. I know whoever wins will love it also.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I’d love to have one of these since it would make it so much easier for me to find my ‘lost’ phone 🙂
Tara Betterley
I am not a fan of the word for Monday – Happy
I would love to win as I am constantly misplacing my keys at home
Todays word is happy
Victoria Ess
Monday – Happy
Victoria Ess
I’d love to win this as I’m always losing my keys!
Krista M
Monday’s secret word is Happy
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Today’s secret word is Happy
I am always looking for my phone so this would be great.
Today’s secret word is Happy
This is such a great little gadget! I would love one for my keys since I always lose them!
Judy Cowan
Would love one to help keep track of my wallet, since I am famous for setting it down and forgetting where it is.
Judy Cowan
Monday – Happy
Victoria Ess
Tuesday – Travel
Victoria Ess
I’d love to win this to help find my keys!
I would like a Tile as I am always misplacing my keys
Todays word is Travel
Tara Betterley
Tuesday is Travel
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Hmm, putting one on my glasses would be a good idea too as well as my phone, I keep misplacing these too!
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Today’s secret word is Travel.
Krista M
The word today is Travel
Judy Cowan
Would love one to keep track of my wallet!
Judy Cowan
Tuesday – Travel
Today’s (Tuesday) secret work is Travel
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Wednesday’s secret word is Photography
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I think that I need a whole lot of these so that I don’t misplace anything again. 🙂
Victoria Ess
It’d save me time spent looking for my keys!
Victoria Ess
Wednesday Photography
Tara Betterley
Wednesday – Photography
Todays word is Photography
I would love to win as I am always misplacing my keys; this would really help keep me on track
Krista M
The word today is Photography
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Today’s secret word is Photography
Judy Cowan
Would love one to help keep track of my wallet!
Judy Cowan
Wednesday – Photography
Angela mitchell
I’d love to win this for my husband for his wallet. He loses his wallet all the time!! Luckily he always finds it(in the car, his gym bag, etc. but it’s still a problem.
Angela mitchell
Today’s word is photography.
today’s word is Photography
I would love to win as I am very forgetful about where I left my keys – this could really help keep me on track
Todays word is Throwback
Victoria Ess
I’d love to win this to keep track of my wallet!
Victoria Ess
Thursday – Throwback
Elizabeth Matthiesen
06 Today’s secret word is Throwback
Elizabeth Matthiesen
It would make my life so much easier if I actually could find my phone when it was ‘lost’.
Tara Betterley
Thursday – Throwback
I lose my hairbrush ALL the time. It’s a family joke.
Of course, keys…hmm. Maybe i need a dozen Tile systems.
Judy Cowan
Would love one to help keep my wallet “found”
Judy Cowan
Thursday – Throwback
Heidi C.
I could definitely use this as I am always misplacing my cellphone.
Heidi C.
Krista M
The word today is Throwback
Melissa Black
would love to be able to find my keys easily
Melissa Black
secret word on Friday April 7th is Woot!
Victoria Ess
I want this to help me find my keys!
I would love to win as I am a chronic key loser 🙂
todays word is WOOT!
Krista M
The word today is Woot!
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Today’s secret word is Woot!
Elizabeth Matthiesen
“Tile can even call your missing phone” is the important part of this post for me 🙂
Tara Betterley
Friday Woot!!
Robyn Bellefleur
Friday’s secret word is Woot!
To help me when I lose my keys.
Friday’s secret word is Woot!
Victoria Sit
I would want it to attach to my wallet!
Victoria Sit
Sunday Sleepy
Tara Betterley
Saturday – Holler
Saturday word is Holler
I would love to win as I am one to lose my keys often in the house!
crystal porter
It would make it easier to find my keys when I misplace them.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Today’s secret word is Holler.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I’d love to have a Tile Slim since it would help me find my phone when I’ve ‘lost’ it. 🙂
04/08: Holler.
I need it to help my hubby find his keys!
Judy Cowan
Would love one to help keep track of my wallet since I have a bad habit of misplacing it.
Judy Cowan
Saturday is Holler
Lee-Ann S
I need TheTILEApp for my phone. It always seems to disappear around the house!
Saturday’s word is Holler
Victoria Ess
Sunday Sleepy
Victoria Ess
I would love to have this to keep track of my wallet!
Tara Betterley
Sunday – Sleepy
Todays word is Sleepy (for Sunday)
I would love to win as I am often misplacing my keys – this would be very helpful in finding them
Krista M
Today’s word is Sleepy
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Today’s secret word is Sleepy
Elizabeth Matthiesen
This would certainly help me in finding my phone.
This would help me as i am often misplacing my keys!
This would help me in finding my keys!
Sunday’s word is Sleepy
Tara Betterley
Monday – Happy
I would love to win as I am horrible for misplacing my keys!
Mondays word is HAPPY
Victoria Ess
Monday – Happy
Victoria Ess
I want this to help me to keep track of my wallet!
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Today’s secret word – Happy
Krista M
Happy is the word today!
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I can imagine being able to find my phone, thanks to tile, instead of senselessly searching all over for it.
Judy Cowan
Would love to win one and keep track of my wallet!
Judy Cowan
Monday is Happy!
Happy – monday
I want to win so I can place it in my husband’s forever ‘disappearing’ wallet.
I often need to find my keys.
04/10: happy.
Tara Betterley
Tueday – travel
This would be perfect to stick in my wallet! As long as it’s in my purse I’m ok but once I take it out the hunt is on!
Todays word is TRAVEL…
I would love to win a Tile as I am bad for losing my keys in the house – this would be a life and time saver
Krista M
Travel is the word for today
lori butler
i would love this as I’m always misplacing my keys
Judy Cowan
Would love one to put in my wallet.
Judy Cowan
Travel Is the word for Tuesday
Elizabeth Matthiesen
The secret word is Travel.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Oh my, I do need one of these, I couldn’t find my phone again yesterday & searched all over to find it sitting quietly on my kitchen island – black on black = invisible!
Florence Cochrane
I love to have it to put on hubbies keys. It will be a time saver for sure.
Florence Cochrane
Travel is today’s word. Tuesday
Today’s word is Travel
I would like to win a Tile as I am really bad for misplacing my keys
The word for Wednesday is Photography 4/12
Tara Betterley
Wednesday word – Photography
Florence Cochrane
Photography for Wednesay
Krista M
The word today is Photography, thanks
Elizabeth Matthiesen
The secret word is Photography
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I need one of these so that I can always find my phone in case of an emergency.
lori butler
i would attach this to my phone
Judy Cowan
Would love a Tile Slim to put in my wallet so I can find it easier when I set it down.
Judy Cowan
Photography is the word for Wednesday
Erin W
Today’s word is photography!
Erin W
I really want to win a Tile for my husband, he loses his wallet or phone every day and it drives me nuts!!
My husband really needs this to track his wallet.
I need to this to track my cell.
04/12: Photography.
today’s secret word is Photography
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I can hardly imagine being able to find my phone at any time, tile would do that for me which would be a blessing. 🙂
Victoria Ess
Thursday – Throwback!!!