Linked Moms Chat is back – Home Schooling Tips
We’re Baaa-a-ack! Hey all you savvy moms and dads, we are back to our regular chats on the #linkedmoms channel. So, join us please at 8 pm EST tonight. (Wednesday)
This week’s topic is in honor of Back to School. Yes, I said it. Back to School. Grr… not long enough for my summer, but hey I am not pouting. Never. Here at Linked Moms chat we like to bring i8n a guest every so often to take the mystery out of a topic. So, this week I am so thrilled to be chatting with Ann Marie Brown, my good friend, adoptive parent of one, parent to many biological children as well and an avid homeschooler. She is a great support and has a charming personality as well as a great big heart. Shaylin is very fortunate to be homeschooled with such a great mom. Annie blogs at
My amazing friend Annie is also on twitter and pinterest and so on and so forth. She is a savvy digital media mama. Bring your questions and don’t forget to tweet with the hashtag #linkedmoms and we will learn everything we can about how to find the curriculum, socializing your kids when they are homeschooled and the difficulties and joys of homeschooling. Also please follow Annie at @anniecannie
See you there!