Michelin X-Ice Xi3 Snow Tires – My Go-To for Safety and Security #ad
Michelin X-Ice Xi3 snow tires are my new go-to for safety and security on the road. My family and I love winter. While other people are hiding from the cold weather, we’re out thoroughly enjoying the cold in our layers and puffy coats hunting for ski hills to tackle. Listen, I figure if you live in Canada you better get comfortable with snowy weather and winter sports. In winter months we ski often. Sometimes that’s a long drive to Collingwood ski hills in northern Ontario, or a longer drive to Quebec and Vermont.
Ski road trips can be treacherous. Driving through the mountain roads during the winter months is no ordinary driving experience. We found that out the hard way last year, slipping around Vermont. This year, Michelin X-Ice Xi3 tires help keep us safe on all of our trips, whether that’s around the block to school, or across the province in search of fresh powder and challenging ski hills.
I’ve never really given thought to buying snow tires for the winter season before this year. I always thought all-season tires weren’t that different for driving. Boy, was I wrong! I slipped and slid all over the road on my all-season tires as soon as the snow hit this season. My husband’s car was no different. Our tires were spinning at every red light struggling to grip the road.
And I even had issues getting up the street to get the kids to school. It was so bad. My husband kept saying you can’t put a price on your family’s safety. He was a broken record, but I was hesitant to put out the expense of seasonal tires, rims for them, and installation. However, as soon as we had the winter tires installed I realized I shouldn’t have waited so long.
Michelin X-Ice Xi3 Snow Tires – My Only Choice
We’ve had Michelin X-Ice Xi3 snow tires for a couple of weeks, and I cannot believe the difference. It’s like night and day. Before we got our tires, I asked around on Facebook, and I was told that Michelin X-Ice Xi3 snow tires were the ones to get, and my on line army was right. Michelin has a good reputation and I knew it was a great tire company, but they have cemented their reputation in my mind this winter.
Since having these installed, I have had no trouble getting up and down the neighbourhood hills. I’ve had no issues with sliding in the Saturn, and neither has my husband. It’s been wonderful. Driving no longer feels like a disaster waiting to happen. I recognize it was unsafe to wait and wouldn’t be without my snow tires now that I have a good reliable set.
Just this week my husband said: “It’s nice not slipping and spinning your wheels at every red light.”
You can tell they are high quality tires by looking at them. But the difference is pronounced when you start driving with these Michelins. We were getting stuck in snow before we made the switch. Now we spend less time slipping and sliding and more time adventuring. More time on the ski hill this winter is the goal. These tires help us embrace winter.
This third generation X-Ice winter tire gives us the traction needed to safely navigate extreme winter conditions. Their Cross Z Sipes, Micro-Pumps, and their FleX-Ice compound makes for excellent grip in rough winter conditions. Their winter performance lasts for 60,000 kilometres, and their MaxTouch Construction has a unique contact patch shape which further enhances grip and tread life.
And if safety isn’t enough, the Michelin X-Ice Xi3 tire is environmentally and wallet friendly, with a design that helps reduce fuel consumption while giving me that extremely important winter grip I’ve come to enjoy and rely on. And speaking of your wallet, in Ontario, there are even some financial incentives like breaks on insurance premiums if you put on snow tires. So it’s a win all the way around.
Protect Your Family with Michelin X-Ice Xi3 Snow Tires
It’s only been a couple of weeks, but we really like these Michelin X-Ice Xi3 tires. After all that slipping, sliding, and white knuckle driving, taking to the road with these tires has been such a wonderful change. It’s so nice to have that confidence of knowing that when I’m on the road this winter, my family will be safe and secure. If you’re still looking for quality snow tires, I highly recommend the Michelin X-Ice Xi3 snow tire.
Don’t forget to read this winter driving tips post while you are at it.
Save yourself the trouble of shopping and have them shipped.
BUY Michelin winter tires on Amazon Now.
This post has been sponsored by Michelin. I received a set of tires in exchange for consideration here. My opinion is all my own and it is also truthful.

Heather Lynne
I’m totally sold on winter tires now. We tried all season for a while and then switched and it made a BIG difference!
Years ago we went with all-season tires for one winter…biggest mistake ever! Winter tires are a must in this climate.
Maya Fitzpatrick
Winter tires are a must. We also put ours on right before we drove to Tremblant for our yearly ski trip. And good thing we did… we drove home in a crazy snow storm!!
I really think they should be mandatory for Canadian drivers.