
More Kickass Blogging Lessons From 2010


IheartblogginghopbuttonIt occurred to me after my post the other day – part one of my Kickass Blogging lessons that I had a bit more to say and a few more tips to pass on to others. So here is part two for you.

1. Be true to your genre. If you are a blogger who writes about technology, own it. Don’t
suddenly deliver, I dunno, food blogging tips, because that will be confusing to readers.

2. Be true to your voice. If you are bitchy, snarky and all that, maintain it across media: twitter, linked in, Facebook and blogger. This speaks to authenticity. People, especially social media savvy ladies and men, can sniff out plastic people a mile away.

3. Treat your blog as a business and it will become one. Says Real Life Sarah of blogging at Type A Mom conference 2010, if you are still treating your blog as a hobby, how can you expect businesses and PR types to take you seriously, or risk their livelihood on you? ( a paraphrase )

4. A note on reviews and giveaways: I know some people think reviews and giveaways are dead, but I have actually found the opposite. Some of my most successful posts have been giveaways. Besides I like to give things away. Love it actually, so look for more…(But there also is a bit of authenticity required here too. Know what your audience likes and needs and looks for and you can deliver giveaways that they want. Personal note I reviewed a Baby DVD set this year and there were no entries at all for the contest. Very few of my readers are moms of infants and many are moms who have adopted, or moms who have school- aged children, so that was a silly thing for me to review. Live and learn.)

5. Have a plan. Before many bloggers ever sat down to write their first post, they had a plan. What will you use this blog for? Will it be a platform to draw customers to your ebusiness? Will it be to grow a brand? Will it be to grow an audience so you can sell your best-seller?

6. Don’t be afraid to monetize. That savvy Angela England on Untrained Housewife stated at Type A Mom that many moms are nervous to make money from their blogs, but she noted Dad bloggers are sometimes very successful with this. If you write a piece on gardening that refers to a book then why not link to that book as a service to your readers. There are many affiliate programs that actually work well and can help you to grow your blog. Use common sense though. Don’t link to an adult sex toy store or something like that in the middle of a post about first foods for infants. That is likely to turn readers off.

Much love and luck this year. What blogging lessons have you learned this year?

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.