Phineas and Ferb DVD #giveaway
Perry!!!! Need I say more. There aren’t many characters I enjoy as much as my kids do, but this guy is the bomb. Do people still say that? Not sure. Anyways, let’s all celebrate this new release of Phineas and Ferb with a giveaway here on thriftymommastips.com.
How well do you really know your pet…or ANY animal? Behind a cute and/or cuddly exterior there may lurk a cunning crime-fighter with a brown fedora, a top-secret identity and a license to thrill! Meet the heroic Animal Agents of the O.W.C.A. (Organization Without A Cool Acronym)
Join Perry the Platypus – a.k.a. Agent P – and his fellow operatives as they team up to thwart Dr. Doofenshmirtz and his dastardly “Inators.” Be they furry or feathered, scaly or slimy, these fearless agents roll over for nobody when it comes to crushing evil in the Tri-State Area and beyond. Fully loaded with over two hours of animal-themed adventures, including the exciting, two-part Phineas And Ferb cliffhanger “Where’s Perry?”, this fun-filled, action-packed laughfest will drive you wild!
-begins Tuesday, February 26th and closes Friday, March 8th
-open to Canadian residents, with the exception of Quebec
-1 winner

Nikki Adams
I would share him with my son…he loves that guy!
my 3 kids
leannemacg at gmail.com
I’m going to share Perry with my friend’s kids.
Definitely Miss R! Think she’d love it.
Karen D
I would share Perry with my two kids. They love Perry! And the evil Dr… lol
Angie B
I would like to share him with my daughter
I want to give this to my son he loves agent p
I would give this to my children
I want to share with my two daughters
Annie Brown
My daughter… Shaylin!
I would share with my boys. They love Phineas & Ferb.
Paula Schuck
CONGRATULATIONS Brandy – you won the DVD.
Paula Schuck
Wish I had one for everybody.
Thank you so much Paula!