The Avani Victoria Falls, Zambia – Best of Two Worlds
The minute our shuttle pulls up to the The Avani Victoria Falls in Livingstone, Zambia I know we are in for a treat. After an early morning, a flight from Lukasa and a drive to the destination, the journalists on my shuttle are sleepily staring out windows until someone hollers – GIRAFFE. We roll up to the lobby where we are greeted by a group of four local dancers who take turns placing hand fashioned crowns on our heads while someone snaps photos. Located in Subsaharan Africa, the Avani Victoria Falls is a welcoming, unique resort located within walking distance to the wonderous Victoria Falls. The nature reserve the property…
Livingstone – The History of the Gem of Zambia #TTOT #travel
Livingstone, Zambia is known as the Gem of Africa, with good reason. This October I visited Zambia and saw this gorgeous city up close. We stayed 3 nights in Livingstone, a stunning city with strong history. This historic city in Zambia has its own rich story worth discovering. And, it is also friendly, welcoming, and one of the most beautiful cities you could wish to see. The History of The Gem of Zambia In the 1890’s, the British took control of the northern area of the region via Cecil Rhodes’ British South Africa Company. The focus of their activity was mineral prospecting, and securing other natural resources such as timber, ivory, and…
Tracking the White Rhinoceros – A Safari Adventure in Zambia #TTOT #travel
Even now, our safari adventure in Zambia seems surreal. Moments ago, we met a truck full of Zambian security employees armed with guns inside a reserve and sanctuary. Now the group of us walk single file on foot behind an armed escort tracking a white rhinoceros. This field, this sanctuary, is silent but for the sound of us walking and the occasional comment from our leader. Stick together, never run, follow instructions and you will be okay. The sun begins a slow surrender into the horizon, casting an incredible glow on this safari adventure. It is our last night in Zambia. We are on safari in SubSaharan Africa and that alone is magical and…
Zambia Travel – Tips for the First Time Visitor #travel
Zambia travel is a once in a lifetime, worthwhile, experience. With gorgeous vistas, the famous Victoria Falls, the Zambezi River, wildlife and the friendliest people you can imagine, Zambia might be one of the most remarkable places on earth. If you’ve never been to this exotic location, then the idea of Zambia travel can seem overwhelming. Here are some suggestions to make your trip to Zambia an epic one. Zambia Travel – Must See Locations When traveling to Zambia, there are some can’t miss places to see. These are the iconic stops that are exciting and known the world over. All of these places showcase the beauty of Sub-Saharan Africa and the…
Ten Facts About World Polio Day #WorldPolioDay
This week as we mark World Polio Day I wanted to share a few facts about polio and the vaccine that saves lives. Just one week ago I was in Zambia doing a fellowship with the UN Foundation’s global vaccine program called Shot @ Life. On our last day in Livingstone, we visited the Mahatma Gandhi clinic where moms and dads brought their babies to receive the appropriate vaccines needed for their age group. Many babies were receiving the oral polio vaccine, as shown below. It’s the type of global vaccination initiative that Shot@Life supports in many countries around the world. The time we spent in Zambia was remarkable and educational.…