Five Chronic Illness Lessons I Have Learned.
Lately I have been thinking a lot about how having a childhood illness shaped me, as a person, as a teen and an adult. I’ve asked myself often what, if any chronic illness lessons, I got out of that experience. Some of you know I have Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory bowel disease, also now thought to be an autoimmune disease, without a known cause or cure. I was diagnosed at 14 after a period of months when pounds melted off my frame faster than you can even imagine. My abdomen hurt all of the time, as in so much cramping that I thought I would pass out. Sometimes I still…
My Word of The Year Checkup – February
January was a hot mess. Actually maybe not even a HOT mess. Just a mess. But back at the start of January I wrote a post about my word of the year. My word this year is MOVE. So I thought it worthwhile to do a quick word of the year checkup to keep myself accountable to all of you. So here that is – my word of the year checkup. Month one. I am generally good about keeping personal goals. 2017 and mindfulness was the exception to that one. And if you know me at all then you know that I work out a lot and I am pretty…
When it Comes to Fertility – Be a Badger #MyInnerPower
Recently someone asked me what my inner power might be…it took a few minutes for me to answer that one. I am hopeful, and I try to be positive, but is that my inner power? What exactly IS an inner power or super power? Is it strength? Is it courage? Yes, but not quite right. Is it faith? Resilience? I think it is a bit of all of that. But, my inner power is also something more than strength, courage, hope, positivity, resilience and faith. Back when I was working in a daily newsroom I had an editor who called me The Badger, because I was stubborn and determined and I…
Healthy Living: Align Probiotic Review
Probiotics have been in the news a lot this past two years so I have updated this post to include a bit more information. Align Probiotic is one of the options on the market that claims to support digestive health. This post is my personal experience with the product. My loyal readers here know that I have some health issues, mainly digestive, directly related to Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s Disease is an inflammatory bowel disorder that effects the digestive tract the entire way through. How to manage life with Crohn’s Disease is a whole other post. It flares at any time and disappears and then reappears somewhere else. In fact, even…