Make a Simple Change – Take The Earth Month EnviroCare Challenge and Win
Earth Day has come and gone, but that doesn’t mean that your green habits need to stop. This spring we have been taking a lot of walks together; we have built that in as a new habit after dinner most nights and weekends. We are a pretty active family already, but walking is a good way to supplement our sports and activities. Our walks are also a chance to talk about things that matter to us. Depending on the night, I walk with one or both of the girls. We get exercise in. We use our own energy, instead of driving to the gym, and we take pride in and enjoy the trails…
Bona’s Hawaii Sweepstakes and The Best Hardwood Floor Products #Giveaway: Several Ways to Win
One of my favourite features in our home is the hardwood flooring. I love hardwood. Let me rephrase that. I love hardwood flooring that is kept clean and shiny and is not completely scratched up by kids, or pets or wear and tear. So that’s the rub so to speak. Hardwood is only as good as the products you use to care for it, and the care you take with it. I confess that I see every little scratch in my hardwood and I obsess over that. Hardwood just looks better when it is well maintained. I am always on the lookout for the next best thing in my search…